Imam Mahdi (PBUH)

The era of justice and generosity

Jabr ibn Nufayr narrates that he said to Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, “By God, no year comes except that it is worse than the previous one, and no ruler comes except that he is worse than the previous one.” Abu Sa’id

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The Promised Savior of the End Times

On Thursday, the 15th of Sha’ban in the year 256 AH, Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance) was born in Samarra, Iraq, the son of Imam Hassan al-Askari (peace be upon him). He is the final Imam among the

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The twelfth successor

After the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who will be his successors? The religion, which according to its own claim is supposed to remain eternal and unbroken until the end of the world and guide humanity towards salvation, what

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Hope for the future

In our current era, the world is filled with injustice, wars, and widespread oppression that deeply disturbs the human heart. These injustices reach a point where humanity is trampled upon, and as a result, one may unintentionally fall into despair

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The Hidden Imam

“What benefit is there in believing in an Imam who is in occultation, and whom the general public cannot access? How can people benefit from an Imam who is in occultation?” These are questions that are addressed in various forms

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The Era of Patience

O impatient ones! Allah (SWT) will not become hurried in regards with the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) due to the hurry and rush of people…” Believing in a savior and his mission of settling the affairs of humanity is an accepted concept among

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The Awaited Existent

Belief in an ideal future (where the existing oppression and injustice will be replaced by justice and equality, established by divine power) is not just an Islamic horizon; rather, it is an innate instinct ingrained in the spirit and mind

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Union through separation

Connection with Imam al-Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance) is the longing of every eager wait-and it is the noble honor of every person of knowledge. However, this precious matter, due to its great value, has always been exposed to

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Let us be aware..

“When the fifth of the children of the seventh of the Imams disappears, at that time, seek refuge in God! Ask God for refuge concerning your religion, so that no one may turn you away from it…” [1] (Imam Kadhim

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The fruit of the tree of Tawhid

Sometimes, certain questions occupy our minds to the extent that we cannot find peace until we find their answers. Questions like: Why do Shi’as give so much importance to the concept of Imamate and present it as a central issue?

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A Plan for Liberation …

As the minutes of the eve of the 15th of Sha’ban dwindled away, time seemed to slow down for those eagerly awaiting its momentous conclusion—it felt like an eternity. Finally, the night reached its last minute, and the countdown began.

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Towards Awaiting

Expectation is a generative force and an elevated focus. It is constructive because it deprives the expectant individual of complacency and robs them of rest, compelling them into action. It is also an elevated focus because it directs humans along

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Awaiting the Beloved

Awaiting the Beloved A person is indebted to the blessing of hope and anticipation in his social and personal life.  If it was not for this hope and anticipation there would be no purpose in looking forward to the future.  Life for such

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Expectation: The Beginning of Movement

In Islamic traditions, such an exalted status has been attributed to those who await the Promised Savior that one might be astonished at how an action that may seem simple on the surface can possess such extraordinary merit. However, reflecting

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