Imam Reza (PBUH)

The Scholar of the Progeny of Muhammad

“My children! Your brother, Ali ibn Musa (peace be upon him), is the Scholar of the Household of Muhammad (peace be upon them). Learn the teachings and principles of your religion from him and preserve his words. I have repeatedly

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A Reliable Support

Regarding the meaning of tawakkul (trust in God), a person asked Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (peace be upon him): “What is the limit of tawakkul?” He replied: “It is to rely on God and fear no one.”[1] Various verses

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The Good Servants of God

“Indeed, how are the good servants of God? How should our lives be so that we may be counted among these servants?” It was asked from the eighth Imam, Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (peace be upon him), about the

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Aware of Every Language

The Shi’a, in addition to their doctrinal connection with their Imams, also have a strong emotional bond with them. Therefore, we Shi’a, especially in times of hardship and difficulties, turn to the compassionate embrace of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be

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The Last Hours

Imam Reza (peace be upon him) was under immense pressure and constant harassment during his time as the crown prince under Mamun. The situation had become so difficult for him that he would pray: “O Allah, if my deliverance from

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The Stranger of Tus

“Dabbal Khazai”[1] made his way to the city of Merv[2] and went to Imam Reza (peace be upon him). With great enthusiasm, he said to the Imam (peace be upon him), “O son of the Messenger of God (peace be

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The Habit of Kindness

Unfortunately, the governments that have ruled throughout history in the name of Islam, such as the Umayyads, the Abbasids, the Ottomans in Turkey, and in the current era, the Wahhabis and Takfiri and Salafi groups, have portrayed a distorted and

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Unforgettable Advice

Abu Saalt Hirawi was one of the close companions of Imam Reza (PBUH). He narrates that one day when he was with Imam, the Imam started the following: The Almighty Allah (SWT) sent a revelation to one of his messengers that, tomorrow morning

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The foundation of human life is based on “affection and social interaction,” which involves both material and spiritual attractions and repulsions. Bad traits such as rudeness, greed, spitefulness, lack of compassion, anger, and others are spiritual and moral repulsions that

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The Sun of Kindness

“He did not speak harshly to anyone, and he never interrupted anyone’s speech before they had finished. He never refused a request from someone if he was capable of fulfilling it. He never stretched his legs out in front of

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A Big Claim

The love for the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) is undoubtedly one of the most valuable gems that Shi’a Muslims take pride in possessing. However, is simply having love for them enough to consider oneself a Shi’a and their

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Worry, why?

He had read the verse many times, but he couldn’t fully grasp its meaning. He repeatedly pondered over it in his mind: “And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him.” [1] What exactly is God’s message

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Acknowledgment of Superiority

In historical books, it is recorded that initially, Ma’mun offered the caliphate to Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (peace be upon him), but the Imam declined the offer. Later, Ma’mun offered him the position of heir apparent, but the Imam

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Seeing Allah 

Abu Qurrah, a scholar and narrator of Hadith in the era of Imam al-Ridha (peace be upon him), was among the Sunni scholars. Safwan ibn Yahya, a student of Imam al-Ridha (peace be upon him), recounts: “Abu Qurrah asked me

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The Difference in Miracles

Imam Reza (peace be upon him) said: “The friend of a person is his intellect, and his enemy is his ignorance.”[1] One day, Ibn Sikkit – one of the famous scholars during the time of Imam Reza (peace be upon

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The Etiquette of Generosity

The late Kulayni and some other great scholars (may Allah bless them) narrate from Yas’a bin Hamza – one of the companions of Imam Ali bin Musa Reza (peace be upon him) – as follows: One day, I was present

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The Comfort of Both Worlds

Indeed, it is a difficult day. A day when no one cares for anyone else… When speaking of the Day of Judgment, the Qur’an describes it as a day that will be harsh and grievous for the inhabitants of both

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The Fortress of the Heart

When Mamun, the Abbasid caliph, summoned Imam Reza (peace be upon him) from Medina to Iran and the city of Merv, the people of Iran arranged a grand gathering to meet him in the city of Nishapur along his route.

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