Imam Hassan al-Mojtaba (PBUH)

The Commander of Generosity

His kindness, generosity, and compassion knew no boundaries, whether toward friends or enemies. One of his servants presented him with a flower, and in return, he freed him in the way of God[1]. A man from the city of Damascus

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The Influence of Companionship

One day, the teacher entered the classroom and handed each student a blank sheet of paper, asking them to divide the paper into two halves by drawing a line. Then he said, “On the right side of the paper, write

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Malicious plan

Muawiyah used to make efforts to deceive the people in believing that his relationship with Hassan bin Ali (PBUH) is good in order to benefit from the popularity of the Ahl ul-bait (PBUT) for his own interests. In this respect

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The Role Model for Ethical Virtues

The problem of the ethics is among the important topics that have been dealt with by Islamic or non-Islamic scientists. A part of ethics deals with the ethical virtues that include acts which are regarded highlighted and excellent. Some

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Adorned Piety

Imam Zayn al-Abidin (peace be upon him) said: “Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) was the most devout, pious, and superior person of his time. When he went from Medina to Mecca for Hajj, he would walk, sometimes barefoot. Whenever

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Unveiling a Great Conspiracy

Zubair ibn Bakkaar, an early historian has recorded an incident in his book al-Mufaqiaat from the son of Muqaireh Ibn Shu’bah: My father and I travelled to Damascus to visit Mu’awiyah. We were his guest and my

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Mountain of Patience and Kindness

During the time Marwan was the governor of Medina, he used to curse Amir al-Mu’minin (PBUH) before starting the sermon of Friday prayers every week. One day he sent someone with a letter that was full of insults and

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Last Statement

Junadah ibn Abi Umayyah says: I went to visit Imam Hassan (PBUH) during the illness that led to his death. There was a tub in front of him so that he could heave the effects of the poison Mu’awyiah

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The Pilgrims of God

“Who is like you? Between you and Him, the path is open. Whenever you want, you can go to Him without any obstacle, perform ablution, and stand before Him. No door, no doorman! You can directly express your distress and

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The Generous of the Prophet’s Progeny

Imam Hassan (PBUH) was given the title the benevolent of the Prophet’s Progeny1, (1. Here it is important to note that at times the nicknames of an infallible leader is given to them by other infallible leaders (direct narration). But

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Noble disposition

The nature of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (PBUH) was such that he would not allow a needy person to return empty handed. He was so generous, giving large sums in aid, which was cause for the people’s astonishment. Imam Hassan (PBUH)

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Model of Generosity

The Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) have always made the most of every opportunity and occasion to guide and teach humanity, imparting wisdom and lessons as needed. The following story is an example of one of these opportunities, particularly

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Recognizing the Truth and Ignoring It

All humans are eager to provide their own everlasting success, and often put forth their hardest efforts to obtain it. Finding access to success however, is dependent on two firm stages. One, is to know the truth, and two,

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Unsuccessful Deception

The enemies of the Ahl al-Bait (PBUT) have always been looking for a fault, mistake or misconduct in their sayings or behavior, so that they could misuse it to ruin the Ahl al-Bait’s position (PBUT) among people. To do

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Spiritual Poverty

Mankind naturally avoids poverty and deficiency. If a person finds poverty or deficit in any aspect of his life, he would do his best to overcome that poverty and remove that deficit. For example, every person can feel material

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The Secret of Reliance

One of the most important results of believing in monotheism is reliance (Tawakkul) upon Allah (SWT) in every matter. Anyone who trusts in God, God will make him/her happy … trust in God is a strong castle that only

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Morals of Criticism

Perhaps we all have experienced the situation where we meant to convey a correct criticism with good intentions to a friend, but it has unintentionally leaded to displeasure and annoyance. Have we ever thought about the best way to

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