Imam Hadi (PBUH)

The correct way and the wrong way

When something is set as a standard or criterion by God and religion, a Muslim should strive to align themselves with it, measuring their actions according to the criteria of truth. The more they conform to it, the more they

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The greatest wealth

Imam Hadi (peace be upon him) said: “Self-sufficiency and wealth lie in having few desires and being content with what is sufficient for you.”[1] In a competition on the topic “What do you wish for?”, the winner was the one

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Envy: The pain of discomfort

Envy is one of the undesirable traits and the root of many forms of hostility, confrontations, and gossip. Envy is, in fact, the desire for the blessings of others to be taken away. In contrast, there is ghibta (covetousness), which

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Forgiveness, the Practice of the Imam

It is recorded in history that Buraijah Abbasī, who was assigned by al-Mutawakkil the responsibility of leading the Friday prayers in the cities of Madinah and Makkah and was one of his beneficiaries, wrote to al-Mutawakkil: “If you need Makkah

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The Dignity of Man

Do not consider yourself safe from the harm of someone who deems themselves insignificant and inferior [and who, in their heart, feels degraded and lowly].[1] The Almighty God has granted humanity the medal of honor, dignity, and greatness, to the

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The Imam (PBUH) replies …

Musa al-Mubarraq (the brother of Imam Ali al-Hadi, peace be upon him) said: “I encountered Yahya ibn Aktham in the public court. Yahya asked me several questions, and I went to my brother, Ali ibn Muhammad al-Hadi (peace be upon

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Conspiracy Delusion

In the body of Al-Mutawakkil, the Abbasid Caliph, a painful, festering boil appeared that almost caused him to die from its unbearable torment. No physician could treat it and remove the infected material. Al-Mutawakkil’s mother vowed that if her son

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The Death of Awareness

Time passes, death arrives, the life of this world ends, and the soul, which is the measure of human character, is transferred to the eternal abode, where life in the Hereafter begins. Death is one of the wise signs of

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The Value of Work

The behavior and words of our Imams show that every human, at any rank or position, must strive to earn their livelihood and should not rely on the wealth and resources of others to attain it. They also teach us

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On the edge of blessing

I was on the verge of being overwhelmed by the hardships of life. Severe poverty had gripped me. Although I was practicing contentment, my situation was not improving. Things had become so difficult that I thought to myself: “I will

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The Tremor of the Tyrant

When the Abbasid Caliph al-Mutawakkil—whose intense hatred and animosity toward the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) and their followers is well-known—ascended to the caliphate, he feared that Imam Ali al-Hadi (peace be upon him) might rise up against him.

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The Respect for the Defenders of Wilayah

Imam Askari (PBUH) narrated that one day his father, Imam Hadi (PBUH), was informed that one of the Shiite Faqih (a person who is expert in religious jurisprudence) entered a discussion with a Nasebi (an enemy of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT)), defeated him, and brought

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Preserving honor before God

Boumousi says: One day, I went to Imam Hadi (peace be upon him) and said, “Mutawakkil is oppressing me, and he has taken my possessions because I am a follower of you. If it is possible, please ask him to

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Against Deviation

The social-political life of the Imams is a thought-provoking example of the sense of responsibility that the infallible Imams felt towards preserving the faith and advancing awareness and consciousness. Their adherence to the principles of the religion, alongside attention to

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Passion and Guidance…

The Imams (peace be upon them) were devoted servants of God, and their faith and knowledge of Him brought peace to their hearts. They wished to be completely submissive to God, and because of this, God also cherished them, granting

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Boy or girl?

For some time, he had noticed signs of pregnancy in his wife. Therefore, he became curious about the gender of their child. He himself hoped for a son, and after nine months of pregnancy, his wife gave birth to a

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The unfairness of the servant

If a person shows us kindness and generosity out of affection and love, for example, by giving us valuable gifts, saving us from the hardships and difficulties of life, or showing kindness and mercy to our children or close relatives,

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The Complete Visit

Humans are inherently social beings who naturally bond with others and form social relationships. Therefore, the act of visiting others with affection and kindness is rooted in human nature, and pilgrimage (ziyarah) actually fulfills one of the inherent needs of

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Two Phases of Life

Imam Hadi (peace be upon him) said: “Indeed, Allah has made this world a place of trial and test, and the Hereafter a place of reward and recompense. The trial of this world has been made the cause for the

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