Imam Baqir (PBUH)

Facilitation of Marriage

The published statistics indicate a decrease in the marriage rate and an increase in the number of unmarried individuals in society [1]. Several reasons can be considered for this phenomenon, such as a lack of awareness about the importance of

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The key to Good and Evil

One of the greatest blessings bestowed upon us humans is the gift of speech and expression. Philosophers have regarded speech and expression as the most distinguishing feature of humans compared to other living beings. This is because human speech, which

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Forgotten Duty

Enjoining good and forbidding wrong is the path of the prophets and the method of the virtuous, and a great religious duty with which makes other duties persistent and strong… the professions become legitimate and the rights of the people

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Defending the Honor of a Believer

In Islam, in general, the life, wealth, and honor of people are sacred. The honor of individuals, which is often the result of a lifetime of effort and struggle, can be tarnished by improper actions such as accusations, jealousy, mockery,

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Guiding Star

The term “Imam” means a leader or guide. In essence, it refers to what is followed, whether it be a book or a person, truth or falsehood.[1][2] In the context of Shia beliefs, Imamate and the recognition of the Imam

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A Resting Place for Passage

Throughout life, a person occasionally finds themselves in situations where certain hidden personality traits are revealed and recognized. “Contentment,” “anger,” and “power” are among these situations, and an individual’s behavior in each of these three states reveals their inner character

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The Price of Love

He was from the people of Khorasan. He had traveled a long distance and endured great hardships to reach his destination, as he had come on foot. His shoes had worn out, his feet were cracked, and the heels of

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Social Teachings

Throughout our daily lives, we often encounter friends, colleagues, or at least ordinary people, and interact with them. Sometimes, we become upset or disturbed by their behavior. We feel that they have not followed the proper ways of communication and

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The Best Moments

Perhaps the reason there are so many pleasures in the depths of the night is that, in the darkness, there is a precious opportunity to share the secrets of the heart with the Divine. Naturally, due to the veil of

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Serving in the Path of Islam

Today, we often see historians who limit the lives of the infallible Imams (peace be upon them) to the narrow framework of individualism and even separate them from the context of their time. On the opposite side, there are others

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The Knowledge of the Chosen Ones

Shi’a belief holds that the Prophet and Imam are chosen by God and must possess specific qualities. Just as a teacher must have certain characteristics to be deemed competent, a divine messenger must also have traits that confirm their divine

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Worldly Affairs, Divine Obedience

I was thinking about who, after our Imam Zain al-Abidin (peace be upon him), deserves to succeed him when one day I encountered Muhammad ibn Ali (peace be upon him). He gave me advice that made me realize that he

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Heir to the Prophetic Knowledge

Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) said: “Learn knowledge from the scholars and teach it to your religious brothers, just as the scholars taught it to you”[1]. Imam Muhammad Baqir (peace be upon him) is considered the founder of the

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Kindness towards Your Brother in Faith

One of Imam Baqir’s (PBUH) companions, Abi Obadiah, narrates: I used to accompany Imam Baqir (PBUH) in journeys. During the journeys, I would always climb my mount first, and the Imam would climb his mount after I was seated (This

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The Imam, a Guide Well-Versed in the Path…

One of Imam al-Baqir’s (peace be upon him) companions, named Abu Ubaidah, narrates: During a journey, I had the honor of being a traveling companion to Imam al-Baqir (peace be upon him). Throughout the journey, I would always mount my

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Heavenly Guidance

Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said to a man named Abu Hamzah: “O Abu Hamzah, when one of you plans to undertake a journey of a few miles, he seeks a guide and a pathfinder to avoid danger.

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Pure Life

Hammad ibn A’yan says: “I visited Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (peace be upon him) and said, ‘Give me some advice!’ The Imam replied, ‘I advise you to fear God (taqwa).'[1] The result of taqwa is to live a pure life in

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A sincere servant

Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) was, above all, a pure servant of Allah. He was constantly engaged in the remembrance and worship of God, and nothing could distract him from his sincere devotion and worship of the Almighty. Aflah,

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