Amirul Momineen

The Flag Bearer of Karbala

 “Tomorrow I will hand the flag to the one who likes God and His Prophet and whom God and His Prophet like him; the one who never retreats.”(1) This sentence was like a sign, in the war of Khaibar, for

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Unique In Piety

As Zainab (PBUH) grew up, many of the noblemen and great men of Arabia asked for her hand in marriage. They thought that due to their wealth and high social position they would be successful in marrying Zainab (PBUH). For example, Ash’ath Ibn-Qeis, who was one of the wealthiest

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Obedience Prerequisite to Prosperity

History has witnessed to itself many women. In each era, thousands of women with different types and manners have come into existence. However, some of them have stood out among the others, and some others have somehow ended up in

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A Victorious Army

Most of the uprisings are comprised of two components: combat and message. Combat refers to the struggle and sacrifice made in the way of a holy goal, whereas the message component deals with announcing the purpose of the uprising

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