The Prophet’s advice to Abuzar

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One of the most valuable and significant sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the advice he gave to Abuzar, which has become famous due to its profound content and importance. The repeated addresses of the Prophet to Abuzar have made this narration known as the Hadith of Abuzar.

The teachings in this narration are presented in various forms, offering both ethical and educational wisdom. Each person can benefit from it in their own way, choosing the most suitable guidance that leaves a lasting impact on their spirit, which makes this narration somewhat akin to a miracle.

… The Prophet continues his advice to Abuzar:

“I advise you with a piece of advice, and I expect you to remember it and act upon it, for this advice encompasses all the paths of goodness and happiness. If you follow this advice, the good of both this world and the Hereafter will be granted to you.”

“O Abuzar! Worship God as though you see Him, for if you do not see Him, He certainly sees you.”

“O Abuzar! Know that the first step in worshiping God is knowing Him; indeed, He is the First, before whom there was nothing, and He is the Only One, with no equal. He is the Eternal and Everlasting. It is He who created the heavens and the earth, and everything within them. God is All-Knowing and All-Merciful, and He is capable of all things.”

“O Abuzar! Many people are deceived by two blessings and fail to appreciate them: health and free time.”

“O Abuzar! Take advantage of five things before five others come to you: youth before old age, health before sickness, wealth before poverty, free time before busy time, and life before death.”

“O Abuzar! Beware of dying while you are in sin, for then there will be no opportunity for repentance, and you will not be able to return to the world. Neither will your heirs praise you for the wealth you leave behind, nor will God accept your excuses for what you have sent ahead.”

“O Abuzar! Whoever seeks knowledge in order to deceive people will not smell the fragrance of Paradise.”

“O Abuzar! If God desires good for a servant, He will manifest his sins before him, making the sin heavy and burdensome. If God wishes harm for a servant, He will make him forget his sins.”

“O Abuzar! Whoever’s actions align with his words has achieved happiness, but whoever’s actions contradict his words will regret his actions on the Day of Judgment.”

“O Abuzar! It is quite possible for a person to be deprived of their sustenance due to the sin they commit.”

“O Abuzar! The wise person is the one who controls his desires and works for the life after death, while the weak person is the one who follows his desires and, despite that, hopes for blessings from God.”

“God, Blessed and Exalted, revealed to my brother Jesus: ‘Do not love the world, for I do not love it, but love the Hereafter.'”

Taken from the book “Rahi Tosha” by Ayatollah Misbah Yazdi

Islamic – Shia Website: Roshd