Imam Kazim (PBUH)

Position and Status for a Noble Purpose

Ali ibn Yaqtin was a devoted follower and Shiite of Imam Kazim (peace be upon him). When the Umayyad dynasty collapsed and the Abbasid caliphate was established, he returned to Kufa with his wife and two children, and established a

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The Rights of Animals

Imam Kazim (peace be upon him) says: “Consider God regarding those under your authority and the speechless creatures (animals).” It was asked, “Who are the speechless creatures?” He replied, “The sheep, the cat, the pigeon, and others like them.”[1] Animals

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The Beloved of Creation

Imam Kadhim (peace be upon him) assumed the leadership of the Shi’ah after the martyrdom of his noble father in the year 148 AH. He spent his honorable life in Medina and Baghdad. Among the Alawi personalities in his era,

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Altruism, which is one of the noble human inclinations, must be nurtured and supported through proper education and guidance to be fully realized. If the day comes when all the people on earth embrace certain principles, despite their differences in

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The Final Word

One of the attributes possessed by the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) is “Fasl al-Khitab.” The phrase “Fasl al-Khitab” is a term from literary terminology that means a decisive statement, one that separates truth from falsehood and ends disputes.

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The Method of Criticism

Perhaps we have experienced a situation where we criticized an individual for their wrong actions. However, instead of confronting the person, we can point out their misdeed and disassociate ourselves from it. In this way, we will not harbor hatred

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The Caliph’s Conspiracy

Like thieves, he feared the light of day and the brightness it brought. It was evident that he was greatly afraid of the blessed presence of Imam Kadhim (peace be upon him), who, like the sun, shines brightly among the

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The Most Knowledgeable of the People

Abu Basir says: I visited Imam Kadhim (peace be upon him) and asked him, “May I be sacrificed for you, how can we recognize the Imam?” The Imam replied: By several qualities: The previous Imam (whose Imamate is established) introduces

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A Two-Way Relationship

Imam Sadiq (PBUH) was just martyred; however, due to the political situation at the time and fear over the life of the next Imam, he had introduced the Imam after him implicitly and indirectly. Therefore, there became a dispute among the Shiites

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Let’s not Judge too Quickly!

One of the blessings that Almighty God bestows upon His chosen ones among the people is the special abilities He grants them. This has always been considered a sign of people’s faith in the legitimacy of God’s representatives among them

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Hereditary Custodian of Knowledge

He intended to perform Hajj, but not for the purpose of benefiting from the journey; rather, he sought to flaunt his power, unaware that he was about to circumambulate the sanctuary of absolute power. He entered the Masjid al-Haram, where

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My Crime is that I am Free…

Joseph the truthful was thrown into a well and then sent to prison. What had happened? Was there any crime other than being loved by his father, purity, piety, and recognition of the truth? History repeats itself again. This time,

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Looking for a Sign

Identifying the Caliph of God on Earth and seeking guidance from him during the various ups and downs of life is one of the most important principles of thought and practice in Shia Islam. Throughout history, this concern has always

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The Descendants of the Messenger of Allah

Imam Musa ibn Ja’far (PBUH) says: “All people are blessed by Allah’s mercy as long as they treat each other kindly, interact trustworthily, and behave honestly and justly.” (1) One day, Harun al-Rashid – the Abbasid Caliph- asked some questions from Imam Kadhim (PBUH) through

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Ascension in the Solitude of Prison

Imam Musa bin Ja’far (Peace be upon them): “The wise person does not make promises about things they cannot accomplish, does not become attached to things for which they may be reproached because of their hopes, and does not act

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The True Interpreter of the Quran

In one of the years, Caliph Al-Mahdi (from the Abbasid dynasty) entered Medina. After visiting the tomb of the Prophet, he met Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him). To test the Imam’s knowledge, as he presumed, he raised the

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Fulfilling Promises to Children

“He’s a child! He forgets quickly.”“We’ll distract him.”“I just said that to calm him down; we’ll think of something later.”“Is it wrong to lie to a child?” These are sentences exchanged between some fathers and mothers, especially when their child

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Work and Effort

Islam has consistently called on people to engage in work and effort, encouraging them to be positive and impactful in life, to be energetic, and to contribute to the well-being of others while also benefiting themselves. Islam disapproves of a

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Salty Water

One of the best ways that the Quran offers for purifying the heart is avoiding heedlessness. For example, the Quran describes the world as a game: “The life of this world is nothing but play and diversion” [1]. From combining

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How can I live a purposeful life? How can I make the best use of this limited world? What activities should I include in my time management plan? Many of us regret not having a clear plan or routine in

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