The Path of Proximity

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The Advice of Imam Sadiq (Peace be upon Him) to Titān al-Basri

Titān al-Basri, who was 94 years old, would visit Imam Sadiq (Peace be upon Him) in Medina after the Imam began spreading knowledge and virtue. In one of his meetings with the Imam, after the Imam provided explanations about the true meaning of servitude, he gave several important pieces of advice for drawing closer to God. These pieces of advice were shared with us through the words of Titān al-Basri:

Titān al-Basri says: “I said to the Imam, ‘O Aba Abdullah! Please advise me.’”

Imam Sadiq (Peace be upon Him) replied: “I recommend you to perform nine actions. Following these recommendations is necessary for those who wish to draw closer to God. I pray that God grants you success in carrying them out. Three recommendations concern the care of the body, three concern patience and forbearance, and three concern knowledge. Preserve these recommendations, do not neglect them, and do not be careless.”

Titān al-Basri says: “I prepared myself to listen to the Imam’s words. Then he said:”

The Three Recommendations Concerning the Body:

When you do not feel an appetite for food, do not eat, as it brings ignorance and foolishness.

Do not eat until you are truly hungry.

Whenever you decide to eat, consume what is lawful, and when eating, pronounce the name of God.

The Three Recommendations Concerning Patience and Forbearance:

If someone tells you, “Speak once, and listen to ten,” respond by saying, “If you speak ten times, I will not listen to even one.”

If someone insults you, say, “If what I am saying is true, I ask God to forgive me, and if I am lying, I ask God to have mercy on you.”

If someone threatens you with injustice, advise them and pray for them.

The Three Recommendations Concerning Knowledge:

Ask the scholars about what you do not know, and never ask to test their knowledge.

Avoid acting based on your own opinion (self-reliance), and always be cautious.

Beware of issuing legal rulings (fatwas) on matters you are not specialized in, just as you would avoid encountering a wild animal (dangerous situation). Do not make yourself a bridge for others to cross.

Source: Extracted from the book “Mishkat al-Anwar,” authored by Ali ibn Hasan al-Tabarsi (with slight modifications)

Islamic – Shia Website: Roshd


[1] The above text is taken from the Persian translation of this book by the late Shaykh Azizullah Atardi.