Biography of Imam Kazem A.S

The Caliph’s Conspiracy

Like thieves, he feared the light of day and the brightness it brought. It was evident that he was greatly afraid of the blessed presence of Imam Kadhim (peace be upon him), who, like the sun, shines brightly among the

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The Most Knowledgeable of the People

Abu Basir says: I visited Imam Kadhim (peace be upon him) and asked him, “May I be sacrificed for you, how can we recognize the Imam?” The Imam replied: By several qualities: The previous Imam (whose Imamate is established) introduces

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A Two-Way Relationship

Imam Sadiq (PBUH) was just martyred; however, due to the political situation at the time and fear over the life of the next Imam, he had introduced the Imam after him implicitly and indirectly. Therefore, there became a dispute among the Shiites

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Let’s not Judge too Quickly!

One of the blessings that Almighty God bestows upon His chosen ones among the people is the special abilities He grants them. This has always been considered a sign of people’s faith in the legitimacy of God’s representatives among them

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Hereditary Custodian of Knowledge

He intended to perform Hajj, but not for the purpose of benefiting from the journey; rather, he sought to flaunt his power, unaware that he was about to circumambulate the sanctuary of absolute power. He entered the Masjid al-Haram, where

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Work and Effort

Islam has consistently called on people to engage in work and effort, encouraging them to be positive and impactful in life, to be energetic, and to contribute to the well-being of others while also benefiting themselves. Islam disapproves of a

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The Voice of Christ

Brihah was a prominent Christian leader who had led them for seventy years. He was well-versed in everything related to Christ (peace be upon him), including the verses, attributes, evidence, and signs associated with him. Brihah was so famous for

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The Imam, the Guardian of the Shia…

Ali ibn Yaqtin, outwardly one of the close companions and favorites of Harun al-Rashid, was inwardly a Shi’a and a lover of Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him). He continuously maintained secret correspondence with Imam al-Kadhim (peace be upon

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Who is the Accused?

The knowledge of the Imams (peace be upon them) is a treasure that constantly illuminates. This knowledge, for them, is like a radiant sun, unaffected by conditions, and it manifests in various situations and stages. Therefore, the Imam, even in

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Kindness to the Enemy

In the city of Medina, there lived an unknown and lowly man who harbored a deep animosity and long-standing grudge against Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him). The ruling government and its agents encouraged and supported his actions, urging

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The Joy of the Believer’s Heart

Imam Musa al-Kadhim (peace be upon him) was known during his time as “As-Sabir” (the patient) and “Al-Amin” (the trustworthy). He was recognized as a righteous servant and was widely known as Al-Kadhim. He always treated all Muslims with kindness

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And the Enemy Bears Witness…

Sufyan ibn Nazar says: One day, we were with Mamun when he said, “Do you know from whom I learned Shi’ism?” Everyone replied, “No, by God, we do not know.” Mamun said, “I learned it from my father, Harun al-Rashid.”

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