Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (PBUH)

Neighbors first, then ourselves

That night, he was listening to his mom who had turned towards Qibla at a corner of the room. He carefully watched her mom bowing down, prostrating, standing, and sitting in prayers the entire night, which was a Thursday night.

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Lesson for all Muslims

The matrimony of Ali and Fatimah (PBUT) was one of the most important and crucial matrimonies in Islam; because the father of the bride was the greatest character in the Arabian Peninsula, or in fact the entire Islamic nations and

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A Bond in the Color of God

Without a doubt, marriage and choosing a spouse is one of the most important stages in human life, and naturally, it has a significant impact on people’s lives. Each person enters this field based on their own criteria and standards,

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So Simple, So Heartfelt

Nowadays, the issue of marriage of the youth has become one of the most complicated social issues. In fact, very few families can be found who have a young boy or girl and do not complain about this issue. An

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The Exemplary Lady

Lady Fatimah (PBUH), daughter of the greatest religious and political man, considered family as a holy sanctuary. She gracefully embraced her role as a creature filled with love, compassion and energy, and devoted herself to supporting her husband and raising

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Let us be the Judge

Many of us have probably placed ourselves and even others in difficult conditions and unnecessary expenses only to pass through the regular routines of life. Interestingly enough if we think clearly, many of these hardships we put ourselves through are

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The Little Supporter

The tenth year after Bi’that(1) was a very hard period for Muslims. The respected Abutalib (PBUH) and Lady Khadijah (PBUH) had passed away within a short span of time. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) had lost two of his best and kindest

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Let us be as she is

A role model can be defined as a guide, pattern, and as a leader. The term “role model” seeks to identify a person who possesses certain characteristics, which people admire and choose to follow. Different people choose different role models

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