
Fulfilling Promises to Children

“He’s a child! He forgets quickly.”“We’ll distract him.”“I just said that to calm him down; we’ll think of something later.”“Is it wrong to lie to a child?” These are sentences exchanged between some fathers and mothers, especially when their child

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Mountain of Patience and Kindness

During the time Marwan was the governor of Medina, he used to curse Amir al-Mu’minin (PBUH) before starting the sermon of Friday prayers every week. One day he sent someone with a letter that was full of insults and

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The Secret of Reliance

One of the most important results of believing in monotheism is reliance (Tawakkul) upon Allah (SWT) in every matter. Anyone who trusts in God, God will make him/her happy … trust in God is a strong castle that only

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The Little Supporter

The tenth year after Bi’that(1) was a very hard period for Muslims. The respected Abutalib (PBUH) and Lady Khadijah (PBUH) had passed away within a short span of time. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) had lost two of his best and kindest

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Amir al-Mu’minin School

Islam pays great attention to keeping promises. The Holy Quran and the Infallibles regard one’s loyalty to promises to be a crucial aspect of faith.  Similarly breaking promises is considered as an act of disbelief. This principle is not limited to

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Eyes Anxious about the Nation

As he was pouring water on the holy and afflicted body of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP), he whispered: “May my father and my mother shed their lives for you, O Messenger of Allah! With your death, the process of prophethood, revelation and

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The Speed of Affection

The rapid spread of Islam is one of the significant historical issues that is often discussed in terms of its causes. Islam, just like Christianity, spread beyond its birthplace and opened up new horizons. Islam emerged in the Arabian Peninsula,

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