A Reliable Support

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Regarding the meaning of tawakkul (trust in God), a person asked Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (peace be upon him): “What is the limit of tawakkul?” He replied: “It is to rely on God and fear no one.”[1]

Various verses in the Qur’an also recommend that believers place their trust in God. For example, the Qur’an says: “And whoever places their trust in God, He will be sufficient for them.” [2]

But what is the true meaning of tawakkul on God?

Tawakkul is derived from the root word “wakalah,” which means choosing a representative or a proxy. The idea of appointing a representative, such as a defense lawyer, comes into play when a person is not capable of effectively defending themselves; in this case, they use the power of another to solve their problem. Even when a person believes they are capable of doing something on their own, they still recognize that God is the true agent behind their ability, as from the perspective of a monotheist, all power and strength ultimately come from God.

Therefore, tawakkul on God means that when a person faces life’s challenges, adversities, enemies, and obstacles they cannot overcome on their own, they appoint God as their agent, relying on Him while continuing to strive and make efforts. In this way, tawakkul frees a person from dependency and fears, giving them freedom and self-confidence.

(Excerpted from the book Tafseer of the Qur’an by Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, with slight modifications)

Islamic – Shia Website: Roshd


[1] Safinat al-Bihar, Vol. 2, p. 682

[2] Qur’an, Surah At-Talaq, verse 3

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