The Birth of Prophet Jesus (PBUH)

The Gem of Silence

Talkativeness has numerous unpleasant consequences in which can be observed in the daily lifestyle. One of the teachings of divine Prophets was to avoid talkativeness and speaking less. In an advise by Prophet Jesus (PBUH): “O sons of Israel, to

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The Place to Act

One of the principles that all divine religions share, is the importance of the hereafter and the fact that the eternal bliss of a person is the result of his deeds in this world. Allah (SWT) has advised prophet Jesus

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A Messianic Piety

One of the common teachings of all Divine religions is piety, and putting the effort to protect the soul through obedience and submission. Whenever prophet a was sent to the people by Allah (SWT), in addition to administering their teachings,

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Soul Health

“And peace on me on the day I was born, and on the day I die, and on the day I am raised to life” (1). Imam Reza (PBUH) said,” There are three critical stages for every human being: The

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Whom to Befriend

Have you ever thought about whom you befriend, whom you have relations with, and how your life is affected by their characteristics and behaviors? The truth is that there is no success without friendship relations. Friends are treasures which should

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The Story of Jesus (PBUH)

Lady Maryam (Mary), daughter of Imran, was the Messiah’s mother. When Maryam’s mother was pregnant, assuming her child would be a boy, she made a vow offering her child as servant to a mosque (Moharrer). When she gave birth, seeing

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