Birth Imam Hussain – Master of Martyrs (PBUH)

On Salam

Islam has considered a method of greeting when people approach each other, and that is the word Salam. Amongst all the slogans that people and communities have with each other, the word Salam can be said to be the most

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The Quranic Argument

There are many verses in the holy Quran regarding the grand status of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) which the great Prophet (PBUH&HP) repeatedly expressed their interpretations during his lifetime and people were aware of the real meaning of the verses [regarding

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The Grandchild of the Prophet

“Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein…Allah loves him who loves Hussein; Hussein is a grandson among the progeny of the prophets.”1 The stated tradition by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) is among popular traditions narrated by both Sunni and

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A Strange Commencement

The dawn of Shaban the third, year 3 A.H. is considered as one of the most beautiful dawns for it was on this day that a blessed child entered the house of revelation.  They informed the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP)

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Authorization to Sin

He had experienced the taste of many sins; however, he still looked for a way to free himself from his vicious ending. Destiny guided him to the noble descendant of the Prophet of Mercy (PBUH&HP). So he spoke out his

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Wise Answers

Yahya bin Nu’maan narrates that:” I was with Imam Hussain (PBUH) when an Arab masked man with a dark face entered and greeted the Imam (PBUH). Imam Hussain (PBUH) responded his greeting. The man said,” O son of the Messenger

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Rain of Kindness

Upon his arrival at the city of Medina, he started asking people, ”Who is the most generous one in this city? Where does he live?” Everyone referred him towards the house of Imam Hussain (PBUH). The man found Imam Hussain

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Grand, but Humble

“The other aspect in the personality of Hussain (PBUH) that has fascinated me is his humbleness along with his revolutionary spirit. These two traits do not [usually] coexist in one personality. Humbleness is the trait and characteristic of the God’s

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A Measure for Balance

Hassan and Hussain (PBUT) were the heirs of scientific, spiritual and physical perfections of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP). (1) The people could recognize the Prophet in their faces, behavior and manners, and witnessed his greatness and holiness in them. According

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Haven of Angels

According to history and the Ahadith narrated from the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT), all the Shia Imams’ (PBUT) lives ended in martyrdom (1). Based on this, and considering the fact that the Holy Quran states that the martyrs are alive and

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