The Grandchild of the Prophet

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“Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein…Allah loves him who loves Hussein; Hussein is a grandson among the progeny of the prophets.”1

The stated tradition by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) is among popular traditions narrated by both Sunni and Shiite references pertaining his grandson Hussein Ibn Ali (PBUH). Tirmizi, Ibn Majeh2 and Ahmad Ibn Hanbal are among the top Sunni narrators to have recorded it; and among the Shiite references include Kaamel al-Ziaraat, Irshad Sheikh Mofid and ‘Alaam al-waraa Sheikh Toosi .  The story behind the narration is as follows:

One day Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) was heading to a ceremony, when along the way he saw Imam Hussein (PBUH) playing with a few other children. The prophet happily followed Imam Hussein (PBUH) until he caught him in his arms. The Prophet placed one hand under Hussein’s chin and the other behind his head, lifted his face and kissed him, saying “Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein; who so ever loves, Allah (SWT) shall be his friend; Hussein is a grandson amongst the grandchildren (Asbat) of the Prophets.”

Grandchildren, (Asbat) here refers to the grandchildren of Jacob (Ya’qub) (PBUH), as a Prophet. The narration is comparing Hussein to Jacob’s progeny.  He is shown to be Prophet Muhammad’s grandson in the areas of faith, infallibility and understanding of revelations, and at the same level of the prophets and chosen messengers of Allah (SWT). Following the analogy a Jewish scholar conducted a debate with Amir al-Mu’menin (PBUH). Amidst the debate, the scholar said: “Here, Jacob was blessed with many children, even Maryam (Marry) the daughter of Imran was one of his daughters.”

Amir al-Mu’menin (PBUH) replied: “It is true, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) was blessed with even more, as Fatimah (PBUH) the Lady of all women in both worlds is among his daughters, and Hassan and Hussein, are the children of his daughter.”4

Also recorded, the Prophet (PBUH&HP) has said, “Allah (SWT) sent forty thousand messengers, who had four thousand successors and eight thousand grandchildren. By He who holds my life in His hands, I am the best of those messengers, my successors are the best of all successors, and my two grandchildren are the best of grandchildren among all messengers. Hassan and Hussein are the two grandchildren of my people. Jacob had twelve grandchildren, and the Imams (Leaders) after me are twelve from my progeny. The first of them is Ali, in the middle is Mohammad and the last Imam is Mohammad. He is the Mahdi of my people, and he is the one who Jesus the Son of Marry will pray behind him; who so ever grasps their rope has certainly grasped the rope of Allah (SWT), and whoever leaves them has certainly departed Allah (SWT)5.  

In the narration, “Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein” Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP) presents his spiritual connection and depth of affection towards Hussein Ibn Ali (PBUH). Amongst the Sunni scholars, Qadhi ‘Ayadh6 has said in regards to this narration: “It seems that the Prophet (PBUH&HP) through divine revelations knew of the events that were to take place between Hussein and those who killed him. So, he particularly brought Hussein’s name up and clearly articulated that him and Hussein were one in the areas of being loved, respected and honored. The Prophet emphasizes his unity and oneness with Hussein when he says: ‘Whosoever loves Hussein, has loved Allah, because the love of Hussein is the love of the Prophet and the love of the Prophet is the love of Allah (SWT)’”7

Selection taken from “The Shiite Encyclopedia” by Baha’ alDin Khorramshahi

The Roshd website congratulates all Muslims, especially you dear friend, upon 3rd of Sha’ban, the birthday anniversary of the exemplar of humbleness and the symbol of modesty, Imam Hussain (PBUH).


1. Sunni Refferences: Sunan Ibn Majeh, vol. 1, pg. 51, narration 144; Sunan Tirmizi, vol. 5, pg. 324, narration 3964; Sunan Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, vol. 4, pg. 172

Shiite References: Kamel alZiarat, pg. 117; Jame’ Ahadith Shia, vol. 21, pg. 417

2. Sahih Termizi and Sunan Ibn Majeh are among the top six Sunni narration references.

3. Holy Quran 3:84

4. This debate has been addressed in Ihtijaj Tabarsi.

5. Text of the narration has been addressed in Kifayatul alAthar.

6. Great scholar and Historian who was Maleki and was the author of AlShifaa Bi Tarif Hoquq alMustafa.

7. Haffatul Alahwazi, vol. 10, pg. 190, narration 3775 – Feyz alGhadir, vol. 3, pg. 387, narration 3727.

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