
Practicing Obedience

“O, you who believe, fasting is compulsory for you, similar to the peoples prior to you, may you become pious.” (The Holy Quran 2:183) There are verses in the Torah and the Bible about fasting(1). There are contemporary Jews and

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The Way of Benevolence

According to the narrations from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and the Infallible Imams (PBUT), the month of Ramadan is the best of months and its hours are the best hours (1).” Thus it is proper that everyone hold this month in

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Eternal in the History

A tradition referenced in Sahih Muslim1 which was narrated by “Tariq Ibn Shihab”: A group of Jews told the second caliph that: If the Jewish community had been revealed a verse like “This day have I perfected your religion for

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The Road Map

The beginning of the appointment (Mab’ath) of the Prophet of Islam to Prophethood is in a way the start of the revelation of the holy Book of the religion of Islam, the Holy Quran.  The Holy Quran is a direction

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Eternal Guidance

One of the most important methods of identifying a Prophet is to observe a supernatural act from them, which is referred to as “sign” or “evidence” in the Holy Quran and “miracle” among the Muslims.   Since the mission of the

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The tides of events, sometimes, foretell about the future developments in history. These prophecies get special importance if they are from the source of revelation. In such cases, we ought to receive such implications, and after pondering over them, we

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The Bible’s Promised

One of the ways prophets were introduced to the people was by another prophet whose prophethood had been proved with logical reasoning. The previous prophet specifically introduced the future prophet, and this introduction should be to the extent that he

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The Gift

The act of giving and receiving gifts is a common practice on Eid occasions.  One of the best gifts that Allah has offered is the Eid Salat.  But why is our Eid gift an act of prayer? According to the

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An Ideal Human Being

Knowing the “perfect human” or, as it is said today, the “ideal human being” is a fundamental necessity. The morals of every ideology are based on its view on the perfect or ideal human being. Therefore, if we fail to

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The Example of Sacrifice

The highest level of generosity and bounty is sacrifice. It was one of the slogans of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP). The importance of sacrifice is to the extent that Allah (SWT) describes the believers in the Holy Quran by

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A Deep Affection

One of the important elements of life is water; all the creatures need water in order to continue their life. The Almighty Allah (SWT) has said in the Holy Quran, ”We have made of water everything living” (1). This verse

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A Striver Lady

Faith in Allah has certain requirements and responsibilities that may be difficult and impossible for many to act upon.  Example of this would be struggling in the way of Allah (SWT), standing up against the enemies, forgiveness, and sacrificing one’s

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Mankind’s Dignity

Imam Hadi (PBUH) says: “Don’t consider yourself safe from the harm of one who does not hold any dignity for him/herself!”(1) God Almighty blessed humankind with pride and worthiness, greatness and magnanimity. As noted in the Holy Quran: “Verily we

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