
A Moment of Pondering

Taking a moment to think about the shortness of life and human destiny after death can awaken a person so involved and infatuated with life’s glamor and shine to ponder and meditate. One day someone asked Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH)

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“The worst type of person is the hypocrite and phoney.” (Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH))(1) Hypocrisy or two-facedness means the state of incoherence between the appearance and inner feelings. Some are very expert in using that trick, better than any being.

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Human Rights

Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) said, “The best people with Allah are the ones who know the rights of their brothers more than others and strive hardest towards fulfilling their duties towards one another. And he who is humble toward his

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Mankind’s Dignity

Imam Hadi (PBUH) says: “Don’t consider yourself safe from the harm of one who does not hold any dignity for him/herself!”(1) God Almighty blessed humankind with pride and worthiness, greatness and magnanimity. As noted in the Holy Quran: “Verily we

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A Comprehensive Pilgrimage

Mankind is a social creature, which gets acquainted on his alike and starts to develop social relation. Visiting each other comes with desire and compassion of mankind towards each other and it is rooted in nature of humans. Therefore, seeing

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The Oath of Servitude

As you might know, the aim of man’s creation according to the divine schools is worshipping and servitude; as we read in the Holy Quran: “I have not created the Jins and Humans except to worship me.”1 But the fact

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A Support in One’s Life

Mankind inherently cannot live without support. The way human is created is that everyone seeks a support to depend on. People are divided into four categories based on what they depend on in life. The first category and the lowest

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A person always has hopes for a better future. It is one of the main hopes of the human that one day this world will be clear of all oppression and injustices. It is from this hope that the thought

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The bases of human life have been founded on “fondness and sociability”. There are some material and spiritual issues that make attractions and repulsions in human’s relationships. Immorality, greediness, malice, apathy, anger and etc. are some examples of moral and

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Sunshine of Kindness

“He was never verbally crude with anyone. He never interrupted anyone, and always waited for them to finish talking. He never refused to fulfill anyone’s needs that he was capable of fulfilling. He never stretched his legs out in front

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My Identity

The highest wisdom is the knowledge of oneself. (1) (Imam Ali bin Musa al-Reza (PBUH)) Paying attention to one’s parlance, behavior and actions or more accurately knowing ourselves and our actions, and the art of self-awareness is the duty of

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The Miracle of Friendship

For sure the shocking statistics of global and social problems has drawn your attention to them. Mankind was always searching for finding solutions for terrorism, violence, separation, murder, suicide, family problem, discrimination, racisms, wars, and thousands of other problems. But

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A Man of Paradise

Love is one of the inseparable ingredients of human’s life; we all love some people and express our love towards them, while avoid others and dissociate ourselves from them. But what are the criteria which govern choosing our friends and

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Death or Life?

It might have happened for all of us that things get terrible to an extent and the life becomes miserable and unwanted. In such cases many people hope for death. Is death something desirable, and is it counted as success?

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Life and My Beliefs

There are many aspects that differentiate humans from one another.  Beauty, outward appearance, wealth, health, nationality, race, native language, and knowledge are all examples of characteristics that differentiate us from one another.  These differences may even allow us to lose

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