The Return of the Infallible Imams (PBUT)

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Why has the issue of the return of the Imams (PBUT) (Raj’ah) not been mentioned clearly by Allah (SWT)?


The return of the Imams (PBUT) to this world, also referred to as Raj’ah, is one of the beliefs that the Shiites hold. Reference to this belief can also be found in the Holy Quran, where a group of verses discuss the possibility of returning to this world after death, and another group of verses specifically remind the factualness of Raj’ah. For instance, in the 83rd verse of Chapter 27, Allah (SWT) says: “And (remember) the day when We will gather from every nation a party from amongst those who rejected Our revelations, then …”

Clearly, this verse is discussing the fact that certain people from amongst each nation will be gathered. Is this verse referring to the resurrection on the Day of Judgment? The prior and the following verses of verse 83, precede the verses that refer to the final resurrection day. The Day of Judgment is introduced four verses later in the chapter: “And (remember) the day when the trumpet shall be blown …”(1) (The Holy Quran, 27:87). Blowing the Trumpet is one of the events which will take place at the beginning of the Day of Judgment, place before the resurrecting and gathering of mankind. Indeed, if the terminology of “gather” mentioned in verse 83 was a reference to the Day of Judgment, chronologically it would have sounded logical if verse 83 was stated after verse 87.

More importantly, the Holy Quran also states the fact that on the Day of Judgment, all the mankind without exception (from the first humans down to the last individual who lived on earth) will be resurrected (2). However, verse 83 refers to the rising of only a certain group from amongst each nation.

From the above argument, it can be concluded that verse 83 of the 27th chapter of the Holy Quran refers to an event which will take place before the resurrection day. In that event a group of deceased people will return to life, and then some specific events will occur; this concept is referred to as Raj’ah.

It is noteworthy to mention that the verses of the Holy Quran broadly state the fundamentals and principles. But we must also consider the fact that according to the Holy Quran itself, the verses need a clarifier and an interpreter to explain the fundamentals and declare the details of the beliefs (3). The true interpreters of the Holy Quran are Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and his successors, the Infallible Imams (PBUT). This can be easily proven by the Holy Quran itself.  For example, in the Quran Allah has commanded us to perform Salat; however, the specific method of Salat can be extracted from the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and that of the Infallible Imams (PBUT).

Likewise, the concept of Raj’at is broadly mentioned in the Quran; yet, the clarification and descriptive details are seen through the traditions of the Infallibles (PBUT).

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