فوریه 17, 2019

A Comprehensive Pilgrimage

Mankind is a social creature, which gets acquainted on his alike and starts to develop social relation. Visiting each other comes with desire and compassion of mankind towards each other and it is rooted in nature of humans. Therefore, seeing

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Two Chapters of Life

Imam Hadi (PBUH) has said, “Truly Allah has placed this world a place of testing and examination, and the hereafter a place of rewarding and punishment. And the examination of this world leads to the reward in the hereafter, and

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Opposing Exaggeration

One form of the deviations that lead to the aberration of the followers of different religions is exaggeration of the leaders of that religion. In some instances the status of the leader of the religions is exalted to the divine.

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Chapter of Guidance

Without any doubt one of the main characteristics of an Imam is his eminent position of Knowledge and Wisdom. An Imam has to be the wisest among the people of his time; otherwise it would not be logical for people

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“A Distinct Market”

We all have definitely visited various market places and experienced financial trades at least once in our life. We have either bought or sold properties in these markets. Obviously we have made profit at times and lost at others. Even

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Irreconcilable Days

What is hard work and effort? What really matters is luck! Effort, knowledge, art, science and physical power mean nothing! Luck is what gets things done and not brain power. If you’re lucky, then there’s nothing competency or expertise can

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This is My Belief

There are many times in which we long for the opportunity to set time aside and ponder, an act we hardly have time to approach in this day and age. Thinking gives us a broader view, and usually when we

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