Lady Zainab (PBUH)

The Best Worship

The key to success for every distinguished human being is worshiping and obeying Allah (SWT), since the purpose of creation of mankind is nothing but worship. However, worship has a broad meaning and is not restricted to praying or fasting.

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An Eloquent Lady

After the tragedy of Karbala, Lady Zainab (PBUH) and the other captives were brought to the palace of Ibn Ziyad. There, Lady Zainab disguised herself among the other women. Once Ibn Ziyad noticed her, he asked: “Who is that disguised

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The Hero of Patience

Lady Zainab (PBUH) is the message bearer of the martyrs in Karbala and the companion of Imam Hussain (PBUH) in the important rising of Ashura. Lady Zainab (PBUH) was born to Amir al-Mu’minin (PBUH) and Lady Fatimah (PBUH) in the

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A Striver Lady

Faith in Allah has certain requirements and responsibilities that may be difficult and impossible for many to act upon.  Example of this would be struggling in the way of Allah (SWT), standing up against the enemies, forgiveness, and sacrificing one’s

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Unique In Piety

As Zainab (PBUH) grew up, many of the noblemen and great men of Arabia asked for her hand in marriage. They thought that due to their wealth and high social position they would be successful in marrying Zainab (PBUH). For

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