On the Path to Awaiting

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Awaiting is a constructive force and an exalted concentration. It is constructive in the sense that it confiscates calmness, and it is an exalted concentration in the sense that it guides man through a path in which its base is Monotheism. The concept of awaiting, in its own nature, brings the attention of the anticipator towards the source of this world, the Lord of this Universe, and the Origin of all beings: Allah (SWT). The one who awaits is in a constant state of anticipation; anticipating the relief that will come to reality through the power of the Almighty Allah (SWT). Anticipators are waiting for Mahdi. Who is Mahdi? He is the servant and deputy of Allah (SWT) on earth. He is alive by the will of Allah (SWT), and he is the representative of Him. He will reappear by the command of Allah (SWT) to fill the earth with justice and save the society of mankind.

Therefore, the main focus of anticipating relief lies around Allah (SWT). A monotheistic perspective of awaiting and requesting relief from Allah (SWT) is one of major aspects of this belief. Those who truly anticipate the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) must always open their hearts to the Almighty Allah (SWT), focus on pleasing Him and seek relief from Him; and this is what our leaders have taught us as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) has said in a tradition:

“The best practice of the people of my community is to await the relief from Allah.”

Nevertheless, the horizon of anticipation does not end here. The next aspect of awaiting is to pay attention to the prophets, their path and their pledge with mankind. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) would be the best example in this case, since those who await the relief are expecting someone similar to the Prophet of Islam in all aspects. Whosoever wishes to see Prophet Adam, Seth, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, David, Solomon, Joseph (PBUT), and Muhammad (PBUH&HP) will be able to see them all in Imam Mahdi (PBUH).

He will come to complete the goal of the prophets and spread the religion of Allah (SWT) all over the earth. He will convey the message of Allah’s oneness and fill the earth with justice.

Apart from all the ideological aspects of awaiting the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (PBUH), it is necessary to note that taking action and making practical measures are crucial principles in “awaiting.” If you are expecting someone who is about to fill the earth with justice, then it is obvious that you believe in justice; and any belief is followed by a pledge.  Then how can a believer who understands righteousness and justice spend his/her whole life under oppression? How can a believer be silent to the tyranny of the time and just expect the relief to happen after hundreds of years? How can one who believes and understands do such a thing? The savior and his companions will do their duty after the reappearance but what is our duty today? Truly, weakness and indolence to tyranny is unacceptable. Awaiting Mahdi (PBUH) is an invitation to practice and active steps; awaiting is a guidance to moving forward and a path to an achievable hope.

“O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice …” (1)

(Selection taken from the book: “The Sun of the West”, by Muhammad Reza Hakimi, with minor changes)

Congratulations to all upon the arrival of 15th of Sha’ban, the blessed birthday of the savior of humankind, the helper of the weak, the graceful Imam, and the executer of Divine Justice: Hujjat ibn al-Hassan al-Askari, Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his reappearance).

On this auspicious occasion the Roshd team has updated the “link” section of the website. This page is now available in different style including selected active and proper websites. In order to take a look on this page you may click here.


1- “O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.”(The Holy Quran, 4:135)

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