In Search of True Beauty

“… Ibn Mas’ud narrates: I once saw Prophet Muhammad crying, and so I asked him the reason. He replied: I cry because of the compassion I have for these sinful people (of my community) …”

Throughout his lifetime, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) delivered many of his teachings and recommendations through instances, which addressed Amir al-Mu’minin and his close companions like Abu Dharr, Salmaan, and Ibn Mas’ud. As we approach the commemoration of the demise of the Holy Prophet, let us ponder over some of the teachings Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) conveyed to Ibn Mas’ud:

In his speech Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) elaborates on sinning and its effects:

“O Ibn Mas’ud! Be aware of the intoxication of sins. Just as how wine is intoxicating, sins have similar effects.”

For the intoxicated man loses his perception and cannot see, hear or even think correctly; and a sinner cannot distinguish between those, which are beneficial or harmful (for his prosperity). Therefore the Prophet recited the following verse to verify his point:

“They are deaf, dumb, and blind, so they do not return (to the Right Path).”(1)

Then the Prophet continued to explain about the sinful people, by reciting the following verse:

“Surely We have made whatever is on the earth an embellishment for it.” (2)

The Prophet is implying that those sinful people are actually unaware of their true beauty and embellishment. They misinterpret that which is not their true beauty, as beauty…

Of course earth’s embellishment will be lost very soon and leave every person; as our Great Lord tells us:

“And most surely We will make what is on it bare ground without herbage.”(3)

The question therefore arises on what the true beauty of man is. It is an eternal beauty that lasts before, during, and even after death. Therefore, if man dedicates his entire life to the material goods (i.e. his house, furniture, garden), he not only will have surrendered all his belongings to the ephemeral earth, but without knowledge and piety, he will have also spent his life in useless misery.

In another section of his speech Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) recited the following to clarify what were meant by false embellishments:

“The love of desires, such as: women and sons and hoarded treasures of gold and silver and well bred horses and cattle and farms, is made to seem beautiful to men; this is the provision of the life of this world; and Allah is He with Whom is the good return.

Say: Shall I tell you what is better than these (materialistic funds)? For those who remained pious are gardens with their Lord, beneath which rivers flow, to abide in them, and pure mates and Allah’s pleasure; and Allah sees the servants.” (4)

Allah (SWT) has identified the beauties, which derive from sensual desires and love of wealth as beauties that will be lost; and He has said that the everlasting beauty of the hereafter is better than the unstable affairs of the world. The best beauties therefore lie within Allah’s (SWT) uThe nique spiritual blessings…

Many years ago beyond decades and centuries, my Prophet has thought of me and my prosperity, so on this day let us hear from him and his pure progeny and submit to them …

(Selection taken from “Practical and Scientific Character and Behavior of the Prophet of Islam”, by Ayatullah Jawadi Amuli)

Roshd website offers its condolences upon the 28th of Safar, the anniversary of the doleful demise of the Great Prophet  of Islam, Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH&HP), and the martyrdom of his grandson Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (PBUH) to all Muslims and especially to you dear friend.


1- The Holy Quran, (2:18)

2- The Holy Quran, (18:7)

3- The Holy Quran, (18:8)

4- The Holy Quran, (3:14-15)

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