The Secret of Humbleness

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Looking into history, we see that the spiritual status of our Imams (PBUH) and their great dedication in worshiping Allah has been so sincere that surprised everyone, even their own enemies. For instance, some spiritual characteristics of the forth Imam of Shia, Imam Ali ibn al-Hussain (PBUH) has been described as follows: when making Wudu he paled and during Salat his holy body shacked (Out of humbleness in front of Allah). Imam Baqir (PBUH) narrates about his father`s modesty when performing Salat: “When praying, Ali ibn al-Hussain was like a still tree stem, unless moved a little by wind.” (1)

What is the secret of this much humbleness? There is no doubt in the great dignity of those honorable saints who were the best people of the Islamic community. However, why would they bother themselves with tough rituals? Imam Sajjad (PBUH), himself has explained the reason in the following narration.

 “Abd al-Malek Marwan, the governor at the time, imprisoned a group of Muslims. Once informed about the news, Imam Zain al-Abedin (PBUH) went to ask him to free the prisoners. Noticing the signs of Sajdah (prostration) on Imam`s forehead surprised Abd al-Malek and made him to say:

 “O` the son of the prophet, it is obvious that you make lots of efforts to worship Allah; while you have a high positon before Him. You are a part of the body of the holy prophet and a close relative of him. You have a strong connection to him, you are the best of your progeny, and you have the highest degree amongst other people …”

Once Abd al-Malek finished describing Imam`s great qualities, Imam (PBUH) said:

 “You are right about what you mentioned about the blessings of Allah, the glorious. However, it is good to be grateful and appreciated for all of his blessings and endowments. The holy prophet (PBUH&HP) used to pray a lot in a way that his holy legs would swell. While fasting, he used to get too thirsty that his holy mouth would completely become dry. People told him: “O` the prophet of Allah, you are fabulous and have a great status before Allah. {So why do you trouble yourself with this amount of devoutness?}” The holy prophet (PBUH&HP) said: “Shall I not be a thankful servant of Allah?”

Thanks to Allah for his tests and trials. He is appreciated in this world and the other. I swear to Allah that if my body got in pieces {by the difficulty of worships} and my tears run to my chest, I would not be able to thank Allah even for a very small amount of one of his blessings as they deserve. He has blessed us with many things that if all people gather, won`t be able to count and no one is capable to describe even one of them. If all the people gather to appreciate his blessings, they cannot thank even one of them. I swear to Allah, they will not be able! …”

While talking, Imam (PBUH) was crying hard. His sacred speech and holy face of Imam impressed and surprised the tyrant ruler and made him say:

 “’There is a significant distance between the servant who demands the hereafter and tried for it, and the person who desires this world and does not benefit from the hereafter.’ Abd al-Malek showed respect to Imam, accepted his intercession about the prisoners and ordered their freedom.” (2)

(The above is a selection taken from “An Analysis of the Life of Imam Sajjad (PBUH)”, by late Hujjat al-Islam Baqir Sharif Qurashi (with minor additions))

The Roshd Website congratulates all Muslims, especially you dear friend, upon 5th of Sha’ban, the birthday anniversary of adornment of worshipers, and the great role model of worshippers, Imam Ali ibn Hussain (PBUH)



1.     Al-Kafoi, vol. 3, p. 300

2.     Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 46, p. 57 (narrated from Fat’h al-Abwab, Sayyed ibn Tawoos, p. 171)

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