The Rewarding Day

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As each day in the holy month of Ramadan ends in an Iftar-a fast breaking the holy month of Ramadan also has an Iftar, Eid al-Fitr. Eid al-Fitr is a day in which Allah (SWT) has considered it an official Eid of the believers. This can be understood from the prayer of Imam Sajjad (PBUH) in his supplication bidding farewell to the month of Ramadan and also the Qonut of the Eid Prayer, “You have considered it Eid upon Muslims,”(1) or “an Eid upon the believers”(2), respectively.

An important matter to consider is that an Eid does not necessarily mean joy and happiness.  In Imam Sajjad’s (PBUH) Sahifah Sajjadiyah, the concept of Eid al-Fitr has been referred to as “Eid and Happiness”(3), and the two terms “Eid” and “Happiness” have been mentioned in separate instances. The root word of Eid in the Arabic language comes from “Aad” and “Uud”, meaning return and to come back again. The term also comes from the root “Ma’ad” and Allah’s holy name “Mu’eed”4.  From this analogy one can say, He is Whom returns and brings back.

Eid is therefore a time of return to Allah. Among the rituals of this day, it is said that when you leave your houses to participate in the Eid prayer, see it as a rebirth from the grave.(5)  This act resembles the Day of Judgment and a return to Allah (SWT).

For those who fasted during the month of Ramadan, will return to Allah (SWT) on this day and receive their reward from the Almighty Lord. Therefore, the night of Eid al-Fitr and likewise its day have been referred to as “Laylat-ul-Jawa’iz”(6) or “Yawm al-Jawa’iz”(7), which means that the rewards have been handed out in the night and day of Eid.

The important point is that those who successfully accomplished their duty in this blessed month, will receive their rewards accordingly. In other words, those who fasted and worshiped out of fear for the hell-fire, will be rewarded by surviving from the fire. Those who did so for attaining paradise, will be rewarded entrance into paradise.

And those who worshiped out of love and grace of the Almighty Lord, praising Him for His blessings, their return will be to Allah (SWT), and they will be awarded by being loved by Him. These people will have reached the ultimate status of love, and become a beloved of the Lord. Such people will not only escape the hell-fire, but will also be blessed by attaining divine paradise, all while having received the ultimate status of love.

All three groups mentioned earlier are people who worshiped Allah (SWT) during this holy month; but each group has its own reward accordingly. May Allah (SWT) bless us with the same rewards he bestows on his pious servants.

(Selection chosen from Ayatollah Javadi Amuli’s speech on Eid al-Fitr (with certain changes))

Roshd Website congratulates all Muslims, especially you dear friend on the auspicious occasion of Eid al-Fitr, the day of returning to Allah (SWT) and receiving the reward for a month of worship.


1. Man-la-Yahzarahoo al-Faqih, vol. 1, p. 513

2. Sahifa Sajjadiyah, suplication 45

3. Sahifa Sajjadiyah, supplication 45

4. Dua’ Jawshan al-Kabir, line 73

5. Sheikh Saduq’s Amaali, session 21, hadith 10, p. 100

6. Sheikh Mufid’s Amaali, p. 232

7. Usul Kafi, vol. 4, p. 168

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