The Festival of Struggle

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The holy month of Ramadan is a month of struggle with self, a month to control one’s desires.  And now is the opportunity to hold a great and magnificent Eid celebration.  This festival is the Islamic Eid al-Fitr, which Allah has placed for all Muslims, making them participants in this blessed celebration.(1)  This is an Eid in which obedience of Allah is observed, where Muslims of all races and social classes stand as brothers in the line of servant hood to Allah and pray.  

On the day of Eid al-Fitr, most Muslims across the world are proud to have successfully completed the month of Ramadan and be showered with its spiritual benefits.  On this day, we thank Allah for completing one of the greatest classes in Islamic training, offered during the one month.  We thank Him for allowing us to benefit from its lessons to the extent of our understanding.

A true Muslim has benefited most on this day, in that he/she returns victorious from a very sensitive and dangerous struggle (Jihad).  This struggle is the undying struggle with self, and its animalistic desires and pleasures.  In order to win victoriously on this battleground, one must restrain the self from lust, from eating and drinking, from unlawful looking, from lying, backbiting, anger, ill-attitude, pride, and from all other sins.  This is the same Greater Jihad that the holy Prophet (PBUH&HP) referred to when he told a group of his companions who had returned from war, having fought the enemy with their swords and weapons, “Praise be to those who conducted the minor Jihad, (yet) on them remains the major Jihad.”(2)   None but the faithful can conquer the greater Jihad.    

Indeed! The struggle with one’s desires, despite its simplicity is difficult.  It is easy because man’s natural instinct and wisdom realizes its benefits and necessities, and if man steps into this field, the more he moves forward, the more successful he will be.  On the other hand, this act is difficult as the struggle with self, standing against various desires and striving to control them, and recognizing Satanic traps and hidden desires is not easy.  Successful is he who is able to control his/her self-desires, and bring them to a middle ground and make them follow the proper order.

The month of Ramadan is a great opportunity to step in this path and practice the struggle with self; and the Eid al-Fitr is the day to preserve the results of this effort within the next eleven months of the year. We need to be consistent in practicing the struggle with our desires throughout all other times.  

(Selection chosen from Ayatollah Saafi Golpayegano on Eid al-Fitr (with minor changes))

Roshd Website congratulates all Muslims, especially you dear friend on the auspicious occasion of Eid al-Fitr, the day of returning to Allah (SWT) and receiving the reward for a month of worship.


1. Man-la-Yahzarahoo al-Faqih, vol. 1, p. 513

2. al-Kaafi, vol 5, pg. 12; Amaali Saduq, pg 466

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