
Wise Worshipping

“Many people get nothing out of their fasts but hunger and thirst; many people get nothing out of their night prayers but exertions and sleepless nights. Bless be to the sleep and eating of the wise ones!”(1) In our religion,

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A Fundamental Question

The Great Prophet (PBUH&HP) left this world in the situation where the Islamic society was in one of its worst situation; from one side it was threatened by the Roman and Persian empires (in which Prophet’s emphasis on preparing Usama’s

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A Fair Judgment

“I have not found one person from amongst the deceased to be as lenient and powerful in presenting logical facts as you are.” (Quote taken from a correspondence from Sheikh Salim directed to Allamah Sharaf al-Din) Allamah Sayyid Abd al-Hussain

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The Concept of Wilayah

The concept of Wilayah, with all its roots and meanings, is common in all communities. In other words, it is common in all communities that a person has a certain right on another, along with a responsibility based on the

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A Great Hero

The heroism of Abu alfadhl al-Abbas’ (PBUH) has been, and continues to be widely discussed amongst people. One can’t help but wonder how a person who is hit hard with immense sorrow and grief, attack crowds of heavily armed enemies,

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The Exam of Loyalty

Sometimes, a one or two, or a few day life of a person, which its description might fit in few pages writing, is glorious to an extent that can prove the worthiness of a person better than dozens of books.

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The Place to Act

One of the principles that all divine religions share, is the importance of the hereafter and the fact that the eternal bliss of a person is the result of his deeds in this world. Allah (SWT) has advised prophet Jesus

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The Value of Working

The sayings and tradition of our Imams (PBUT) declare that each and every person, regardless of his rank or position, has to endeavor and work for his living; no one should rely on the wealth and properties of other people.

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Opposing Exaggeration

One form of the deviations that lead to the aberration of the followers of different religions is exaggeration of the leaders of that religion. In some instances the status of the leader of the religions is exalted to the divine.

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Search for Thanksgiving

If a sighted person goes blind, and then recovers, he/she would eagerly become thankful and would regard it as a blessing. However, if one never goes blind and remains sighted, it rarely happens that he/she thanks God. This stems from

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A person always has hopes for a better future. It is one of the main hopes of the human that one day this world will be clear of all oppression and injustices. It is from this hope that the thought

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The Manner of Criticism

It might have happened for you too that when encountering a bad behavior we have started criticizing the person. Instead of confronting the individual, we can remind the unacceptable behavior and show distaste for that. In such a case there

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