Beliefs about Mahdi

Mahdi (PBUH) in Sunnis

It has been talked about Mahdi (PBUH) in prophetic traditions a lot. (Prophetic traditions are traditions that both Shia and Sunni certify.) As we try to explain Sunni’s beliefs about Mahdi (PBUH) in this article, we refer to traditions found

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Mahdi (PBUH) in Shia

One of the common beliefs among all nations and religions is believing in a divine savior who is the cause of vast blessings and charity for human being. Of course, such savior differs from one nation to another; and it

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The Reappearance Era

According to Islamic resources, people will experience enormous blessings in the reappearance era. These blessings can be divided into two main groups, namely “Material blessings” and “Spiritual blessings”. Some of them are mentioned briefly in below: Establishment of justice He

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