Recognizing the Truth and Ignoring It

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  5. Recognizing the Truth and Ignoring It

All humans are eager to provide their own everlasting success, and often put forth their hardest efforts to obtain it.  Finding access to success however, is dependent on two firm stages.  One, is to know the truth, and two, is to act in the path of truth through valid and suitable methods.  Sometimes, truth and its attributes are clear, but for various reasons, which include monetary, desire, and other reasons, the individual has transgressed from the main path, only to find himself in the company of the enemies of truth.  The Holy Quran makes mention of this matter in incidents where several of the people who defied and denied the prophets reason their decision to do so, despite the clarity of truth, to be the way of their fathers, and thus furthered themselves deeper into falsehood. (1) To follow the path of certain people is only good and proper when those being followed are representing truth.  If they themselves be on the wrong path, it pulls the followers towards destruction and punishment.  Furthermore, the excuse of people for not following truth varies according to time and situation.  Often the surrounding environments of family, friends, or society, desire, fame, wealth seeking, and others may prevent the following of truth.

The story that follows is from the life of Imam Hassan Mojtaba (PBUH), which emphasizes the earlier text.  That no matter how vivid the path and virtues of the Ahlul Bayt (PBUH) were, to the extent that even the public would admit to the perfection of their path, but this knowledge would not necessarily lead them to following their path.

Raja’ ibn Rabi’eh says, “I was with a crowd in Medina, in the mosque of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP). Abu Sa’id and Abdullah ibn Amr o As (2) were also present.  When suddenly Hassan ibn Ali (PBUH) passed us and greeted us saying Salam. Everyone responded except Abdullah ibn Amr o As who was quiet.  He quickly followed Imam Hassan (PBUH) and said, “May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you,” and then said to us, “He is the most loved by inhabitants of the heavens.  By Allah I have not spoken to him since Seffein nights.”(3)

Abu Said said to Abdullah: “Won’t you join me and go to him to ask for his forgiveness?”

Abdullah said, “I am ready,” and with that he stood up.  Abu Said entered the presence of Imam Hassan (PBUH) and asked for permission. Once given, he asked permission for Abdullah ibn Amr o As, whom the Imam also allowed.

Abu Said said to Abdullah ibn Amr o, “say what you had just told us.”

Abdullah said: “Yes, I said, he is the most loved on earth by inhabitants of the heavens.”

Imam Hassan (PBUH) replied: “If you knew I am the most loved by inhabitants of the heavens, then why did you come to rage a war on us, or why did you help increase our enemies in the battle of Seffein?”

Abdullah said: “by Allah, I did not attend the battle as a fake soldier nor as one with a sword. I only accompanied my father.”

Imam Hassan (PBUH) replied: “Did you not know that absolutely no one should be obeyed when commanding disobedience towards Allah (SWT)?” (one can only be obeyed to the extent that Allah’s commands are followed; anything beyond what Allah (SWT) has ordered us must not be obeyed regardless of who is giving order of such mischief)…

(The above is a selection taken from “Imam Mujtaba the Spirit of Mustafa’s Heart”, by Ahmad Rahmani Hamedani (with some additions))

The Roshd Website congratulates all Muslims, especially you dear friend, upon 15th of the Holy Month of Ramadan, the birthday anniversary of the symbol of goodness and the generous man of the Ahl al-Bait (PBUT), the second Imam of Shiites, Imam Hassan Mujtaba (PBUH).


1. “And if it be said unto them: Follow that which Allah hath revealed, they say: Nay, but we follow that wherein we found our fathers. What! Even though the devil were inviting them unto the doom of flame?” (Holy Quran 31:21)

One of the interpretations (Qumi) points out in a narration by Imam Baqir (PBUH) that this verse was revealed about Nadhr Ibn Harith. He attempted to confront the holy Quran by narrating stories from the kings of Persia, and thus get people away from Prophet Mohammad (PBUH&HP).

2. Abdullah Ibn ‘Amro ‘aas was one those who attended the battle of Seffein in Muawiya’s army. He has a well known poem which says: “They told us that our view is to give the pledge to Ali ** But our view is to kill him” This has been referenced in books such as al-Musnaf Ibn Abi Shayba, vol.6, pg. 179; al-Mustadrak alal al-Sahihayn, vol. 3, pg. 527. His father ‘Amro ‘Aas was one of closest advisors to Mu’awiyah who introduced the Hakamiat (a particular election and judgment between two parties) and placing the holy Quran on spears in order to end the battle of Seffein.

3. In the year 37 AH a battle took place between Amir al-Mu’menin (PBUH) and Mu’awiyah near an area called Seffein. In the beginning of Imam Ali’s caliphate, he dismissed Mu’awiyah as the rule of Syria. Mu’awiyah did not accept and raged a war on the Imam.

Towards the end of battle when Amir al-Mu’menin’s (PBUH) army got closer to victory, ‘Amro ‘Aas advised Mu’awiyah’s army to put the holy Quran on their spears and ask for Hakamiat (judgment of elected individuals). A group of soldiers left the battle when observed such seen. Imam Ali (PBUH) chose Malik Ashtar or ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbas. But those who had quite the battle from the Imam’s side insisted to have Abu Musa ‘Ash’ari for their elected person. Thus the judgment of who should be the Caliph was assigned between Abu Musa and ‘Amro ‘Aas; Abu Musa with his lack of competency in the subject and pre-planned scenario of ‘Amro ‘Aas, Imam Ali (PBUH) was dismissed as the caliph and Mu’awiyah was chosen instead.

Ansaab al-Ashraaf, pg. 349, al-Irshad, vol. 1, pg. 270, Manaqib, vol 3, pg. 189

4. Majma’ al-Zawa’d, vol. 9, pg. 176; Mulhaghat Ihghaagh al-Hagh, vol. 33, pg. 545

5. The text above was translated originally to Farsi by Muhammad Zarif and QulamReza Tavakkoli

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