Mahdi (PBUH),Ten Revolutions in One Revolution

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The report card of all the schools of thought through out the history reveals many weak points. The majority of them concentrated on one aspect, but ignored other important aspects of humanity. All these ideologies were “self-centered”, meaning that they considered themselves as the central ideology and others (rest of mankind) as the surrounds, and most important of all, they had great claims; however, they made a poor performance.

In other words, they propagated goodness in theory, but were extremely weak in practice. After the middle ages, there has not been almost any improvement in humanity; Humans seem tired and bored of any materialistic ideology. The western conclusion about any materialistic ideology is that none of the schools of thoughts have fulfilled humanity needs; therefore it is not necessary to depend on any of ideology; there is no need for a new one. They believe that have been deceived enough, and a worldwide revolution could never happen. At this blind point, where people feel a gap, a great revolution will occur that will take over the whole world. Mahdi (PBUH) will come, and will “change the humane condition”.

The east and the west of the world are Mahdi’s (PBUH); although his message implies denial of east and west, it considers both hemispheres in terms of audience and covers the whole world. Mahdi’s (PBUH) mother was a Christian from Rome Empire, who was taken as a captive of war and chose Islam on her own. He is from two different races; so, Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) arise is a global change for all humans, not specific to certain nationality or tribe. His mother, as well as mothers of some other Imams (PBUT), was not apparently from a high prestige family from social, economic, or political aspects. Therefore, the greatness of this movement is obvious since the wrong system of social leveling does not intervene this worldwide rising.

The humane characteristics of the community Mahdi (PBUH) will establish

This article aims to cite, though briefly, some characteristics of the society which is going to be set up by Imam Mahdi (PBUH). The government of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is a religion-worldwide government; however, it is not the government of stereotypes. In other words, it doesn’t mean that it would be a world full of identical people who think and act in a similar fashion just like machines do; they will not have identical appearances or tastes. In fact, the relationships will be based on divine criteria, and all the people will recognize the rights and limitations while they are different. People will all be educated and learned persons who know their rights and responsibilities; they will be balanced, yet different. There will be no disputes since all the people will recognize the truth.

The definition of obedience in the society of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) does not intend to disregard human intellect and replace human understanding and feelings with machines. This obedience within the leadership of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) in the worldwide revolution guarantees the right of people and advances each individual’s intellect.

The effort in his revolution is to fight for the “right of people”, and the flag of this revolution is the flag of “justice”.  As stated in the Ahadith, the main act of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will be to give the people their physical and spiritual rights. Therefore, the main pledge in the society of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is “justice”; once the former society has been filled with injustice and crimes, it will be replaced with justice and the rights of the people will be given to them. His main goals and philosophies of his revolution consist of saving the people, executing human rights, removing racism…

His power will flourish upon the east and west of the world, and no land will be left outside of this empire. The question that can arise to this is:” Is this victory going to be the same as those victories that the Roman and Egyptian kings were seeking?”

Imam Ali (PBUH) has answered this question as follows:” Mahdi will reappear to free all the slaves on earth”.  The idea that slavery has ended its course in today’s world is a false analogy. Though at this time we do not see the old fashioned slavery in most part of the world, however, slavery is being practiced in a more modern state.  Most of the people are slaves in the hands of masters who practice slavery in a modern fashion of buying and selling generations of people. Thus, it becomes clear as to why Imam Ali (PBUH) said, “Mahdi will not leave any slave on earth without having freed him”. By slavery, it is referred to all sorts of slavery such as economic slavery, political slavery, and other kinds of slavery.

Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will not leave any debtor on earth without having paid his debt. He will not allow any oppression free without having paid back the oppressed. The future and rights of each single person is important to him.

The revolution and reform by Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is so humane that he will not kill any innocent person, even if that person is in the opponent army. His revolution is a determined revolution in that it will not negotiate with any oppressor; however, it is a completely humane revolution; it is not a blind revolution that takes advantage of the individuals to achieve victory and power.

“Human”, even a single individual, is important to him. The smallest right is significant for him. He explains that there is nothing more obligatory than executing justice, even if it is the smallest right for the most common person. The revolution of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) is in fact the revolution of people, and it will be established by a pious and accomplished leader.

As he has to deal with two kinds of persons, he will present two different characteristics. His first characteristic is toward the most of the people of the world and especially to the poor. He will act so kindly and modestly towards them that it is as if he was feeding them with honey (exact words of a Hadith). Nonetheless, his second characteristic is toward the cruel of the world. He will just fight with them and does not forgive them anyway. They have been asked to repent from what they had done for thousands of years. Now, the age of recommendation and forgiveness is ended and it is the time to bring into action what all the prophets (PBUT) had promised.

According to the Ahadith, everything in Mahdi’s (PBUH) society will end to peace, friendliness, brotherliness, mercy, and unity. Mahdi (PBUH) will fight, but for peace; that is because he knows that these wars won’t end unless a war brings them to end. He will fight for peace accompanied by justice.

The slogan of Mahdi’s (PBUH) society is kindness. In his society, people help each other without playing any trick on each other. Wherever somebody commits a crime, no matter who he is, he will be punished instantly without any exceptions.

In his governorship, he will be very strict towards the operators of the worldwide Islamic government; however, he will be very patient with people, especially the poor. He will treat people in a very kindly and modestly manner. He will give every one his due and finally, he will bring all the goals of the prophets (PBUT) into action.

 His revolution is not a single revolution; rather it consists of several revolutions in one. This revolution is an exception from all points of view throughout the history. It is not just a political revolution, but a vast cataclysm in all the material and spiritual aspects of the human’s life. In this article, we will take a look at several aspects of this revolution:

Revolution in women rights, intellectual improvement, and scientific rights

He will choose 313 persons who will be the main operators of his government. According to the Ahadith, there are 50 women amongst them, who will perform in the highest level of global management. This clearly illustrates the role of women in this revolution.

In his society, women will be honored without loosing their chastity. Thus, we understand three great revolutions in the society of Mahdi (PBUH), namely intellectual revolution, rights revolution (women rights) and scientific revolution. 

Economic revolution

At that time (the reappearance era), an economic and technological revolution will take place; he will take over the whole world; all the superficial and underground resources will be available for the deprived people; the soils will become fertile; there would remain no ruined place on earth except that it would become habitable in Mahdi’s (PBUH) government. It will not be so that a small minority is full while the majority is hungry. The entire world will become habitable and every where is prosperous; the springs will be overflowed by water. At this time, there will be abundant favors for mankind, and they share them without any injustice and prodigality.

Revolution in the human relations

Another revolution will happen in the inter-relation of human beings. The sincere and friendly relations will improve to the extent that if a person needs something, he can use the other one’s property without any struggle or dissatisfaction. At that time, everything will be for everyone. There is no conspiracy among the people and they consider each other as brothers since they all respect each other. Besides being great and bloody, his revolution brings brotherhood rather than revengefulness.

Revolution against discrimination

At that time, all the people live like each other; they will be all either full or hungry, whenever there is not enough supply, unanimously. According to the Ahadith, when Mahdi (PBUH) comes, he will divide the properties among the people properly, or identically as the Hadith states. It will be so that no one would remain hungry on the entire earth. Even in our time, in the wealthiest countries (in spite of the fact that such wealth is brought about as a result of oppression and social leveling across the world) there are thousands of people who are deprived of primary facilities. In today’s world, the exact meaning of social leveling and class distinction is demonstrated. Nevertheless, at that time convenience and wealth will be spread without any discrimination everywhere.

Social revolution

Whilst the human being will experience convenience, egoism and profiteering will no longer exist. In that society, all the people will help each other. Although the social aspects of the revolution are magnificent, they are realistic. Of course it is obvious that in today’s world, providing such situation is impossible; nevertheless, this is the extreme of Islam’s doctrine and it will definitely be practiced.

Security revolution

The other aspect of Mahdi’s (PBUH) revolution is for security. According to the Ahadith, in the government of Mahdi (PBUH), a young girl (who likely is sensitive to harshness and aggression) can have a trip from on corner to another corner of the world lonely, while no danger threatens her. At that time, people will gradually forget the word “fear”!

Civil revolution

The entire world will be civilized by him; the whole societies will experience pleasure and joy. This joy will be humane, not gained by oppressing others or usurping others’ rights.

Revolution against ignorance

A huge revolution will take place in understanding the religion, and knowing the religion will improve and ameliorate. According to the Ahadith, when he arises, some Muslims will oppose him and apply verses of the Holy Quran against him. Those are people who have neither understood the true religion nor helped it. They have not experienced any hardship for the religion, but made benefit of it. There is a Hadith implying that he will arise against both ignorance and innovations. He will fight against ignorance, teach people the pure religion as it was descended, and eliminate incorrect interpretations of the religion.  

Cultural revolution

A great cultural revolution will occur by Imam Mahdi (PBUH) too. As mentioned in some Ahadith, the ratio of all the sciences know by human to the sciences which Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will discover is 2 to 27. This means that human, though having made such progresses, is not highly knowledgeable.

The characteristics of the companions of Mahdi (PBUH)

At the end of this section, we will name some of the characteristics of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) companions extracted from the Ahadith:

In comparison with the 16th and 17th century, people tend to reach unity in today’s world due to human and Islamic knowledge and communications. They have the readiness to say the same, recognize the same and react in the same manner. Perhaps these communications have led us to Globalization (established by Imam Mahdi (PBUH) not by western countries).

His companions are 313 people from different races at first. They are the main staff of the global rising of Imam Mahdi (PBUH). Then, according to the Ahadith, their number will increase to the extent that besides those 313 people who are the main executives, the operative staff will include

His companions are 313 people from different races at first. They are 10’000 people, and finally the rising will become worldwide. As the Ahadith state, most of Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) companions are from the youth. His revolution is done by the youth, as changing the world could be done by them. In another Hadith, they are described as follows:

Their hearts are firm as iron; they fear nothing and will control the world rapidly and powerfully. They will pass a difficult examine, and the superiors of them are 313 people. Their reward is more than Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) companions; because they have never seen the Prophet (PBUH), their situation is more complicated, and resistance is more difficult at that time; nonetheless, they remain in the right path. One important thing that needs to be considered is that organizing the world won’t be simple; it requires patience and hard working. His companions will wear military uniform for a long time and eat little till they spread justice in the world. This era will be a beginning of difficulties for them, as it will be a beginning of comfort for others. It is basically a beginning of difficulties for Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) companions in order to achieve global justice. They have to dress simply, be respectful, and live in the lowest level among people. The comfort and welfare gained in Imam Mahdi’s (PBUH) governorship does not belong only to the rulers, but to all the people. Imam Mahdi (PBUH) will live simply during his governorship.

There will be no compliment between Mahdi (PBUH) and other nations and he will do full justice to everyone. When he rises, he is not under oath of any corrupt ruler. It means that he is not responsible towards any previous government.

The content of the treaty between Mahdi’s (PBUH) and his companions

The last part of this article explains the content of a treaty between Mahdi (PBUH) and his followers. This treaty will glorify the magnificence and divinity of Mahdi’s (PBUH) rising, while it also merges great decisiveness and humanity. It should be noted that these purports are extracted from authentic Ahadith of Shia:

Mahdi (PBUH) will ask his followers to promise that they would not insult anyone, assault on anyone, or attack anyone’s house without getting permission during the great revolution. Usually in revolutions and croups, assaulting and attacks are often done and no pity is accepted; however, Mahdi’ (PBUH) revolution is different from other manmade systems.

Moreover, he will have his followers promise not to gather gold and silver for themselves; he wants the governors of the religious revolution not to proliferate their properties.

He obliges them not to use the orphan’s or the defenseless people’s wealth. He notifies them not to abuse their power to use the defenseless wealth.

He demands them not to wear expensive clothes or the one that is different from the others. He orders them not to rule people the way kings do, and to fight for the sake of Allah (SWT) with their most power and in a manner that the Almighty Allah (SWT) is pleased. He wants them to live in difficulty so that the rest live in convenience.  Consequently, the revolutionists will not corrupt after the revolution, and the revolution outcome will not be lost. This revolution will not be forgetful about the people. It will begin for people and continue for them as well.

Mahdi (PBUH) also considers himself responsible for behaving as like as his followers promise.

He promises to use the same road, move the same way, and have the same clothing as they do. The morality principles for rulers are not different from those of other people. Overall, Mahdi (PBUH) will be the same as his followers, and will promise what they promise. After the revolution, he will live in the worst conditions, and will content to the little. He will also promise that there would be no courts, barriers, or distance between him and the people; this means the lowest conditions for a worldwide leader. Also, this is a part of his promise that no distance will be made between people and rulers. His reappearance is the right of the human, thus man should be waiting for him, and try to pray for his appearance.

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