Basma Ta’ala

In the days when the corona disease has spread all over the world, it is natural that some people suffer because of this disease, some people are afraid that they might get the disease, some people are sad because of the loss of their loved ones, many people are in They are stuck with economic problems, and in general, this disease has caused a crisis in the world economy. [note]

1- According to the World Bank report, most countries are expected to experience economic recession in 2020, and people’s incomes around the world will experience the largest decline since 1870. Also, the deepest economic recession after World War II will happen as a result of this disease:[/note]

Usually, when a person is in hardship and suffering, he can bear it to some extent, and in other words, every person has a certain capacity. The question is, how should humans act in such situations? A tradition has been narrated from Imam Hassan Askari (peace be upon him), which of course mostly refers to difficult economic conditions, but it can be used for all people in the current situation. God bless you, Baba, it is easy to enter…” (Ada Al-Da’i, page 136)[/note]

At the beginning of this narration, we have been advised to wait as long as we can and not express discomfort and helplessness. If a person sees all doors closed, he must wait for God to open an opening for him. This is why there are so many verses about patience in the Holy Quran. For example, in verse 200 of Surah Al-Imran, God has recommended patience twice in the same verse and asked the believers to be patient and also order each other to be patient. And the connections and piety of Allah for the sake of Allah” (verse 200 of Surah Al-Imran) /note]

In the following, Hazrat Bisharati brings up hope, where he says: “So how close is opening to a helpless person, and how close is security to a fearful person who runs away.” [note] 5- “… I am al-Malhoof and al-Aman, I am al-Harab al-Makhuf…” (Ada al-Da’i, page 136)[/note]

It is not that these hardships are permanent, but “for hardships and problems, there is an end that will surely reach that end.” [note] 6- “An llanqbat ghayaat labad an tantehi aliha…” (Tahf al-Aqool, page 201) [/note] It should be noted that it is one of the divine traditions that after hardships, the opening will happen. In Surah Anshrah, God emphasizes in two consecutive verses that “rightly every difficulty is accompanied by ease (and opening).” [note] 7- “Fan Ma al-Asr Yasra – An Ma al Asr Yasra” (verses 5 and 6 of Surah Anshrah)[/note]

Of course, all humans will leave this world one day. Those who lose their lives due to this disease, according to God’s promise, they will definitely see the result of their patience and tolerance against its hardships. But one should be sure and hope that one day this disease will disappear from the world stage and a public opening will be achieved.

Then Hazrat Askari (peace be upon him) says: “Perhaps these developments and transformations are a form of politeness to God.” ] It is possible that one of the wisdoms of this disease is that God reminds him of the powerlessness of man against a virus that cannot be seen with the naked eye, so that he returns to the right path. In the early days of the spread of Corona, the favor of God and spirituality increased in many countries.

According to the report of the Guardian newspaper, according to a survey conducted, two-thirds of believers in America believe that the corona disease is a message from God for people to change their lifestyle. Also, 26% of American people said that their sense of faith and spirituality has increased due to the spread of this disease: [note]


(Taken from the statements of Hajjah al-Islam and Muslim Nazari Monhad (with changes and additions))

The site of the growth of the arrival of 8 Rabi al-Thani, the anniversary of his birth

Pishva Tahir and Zaki, the 11th Imam Masoum,

Imam Hasan bin Ali al-Askari (peace be upon him),

Congratulations to all the Muslims of the world, especially you dear friend.

Islamic base – Shia Rushd
