The Truest Companion

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  5. The Truest Companion

If a friend supports us in every circumstance and stays by our side in both joy and hardship, what feelings would we develop toward them?

If a companion supports us materially and spiritually in all aspects of life, what kind of affection would we feel in our hearts for them?

If parents dedicate their entire lives to nurturing and raising their child, what responsibilities does the child owe them in return?

Now, if that friend, companion, or those parents—whom we owe so much to—have a request of us, is it honorable or just to remain indifferent to them or to turn away from their call?

Let us reflect for a moment…

Our Lord is the Creator and Sustainer of our entire existence. Every bit of our life and possessions has been granted to us by Him. Without His mercy and grace, we cannot endure even for a moment.

So, what is the true way to show loyalty and honor toward our Lord, upon whom our entire being depends? If God asks something of us, is it justifiable to ignore His request? If He prohibits us from something, is it right for us to act contrary to His command?

Someone once asked Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him):
“O son of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him and his family), what is the essence of chivalry and honor?”

The Imam replied:
“It is that God does not find you where He has forbidden you to be, and does not miss you where He has commanded you to be[1].”

Islamic – Shia Website: Roshd

[1] Tuhaf al-Uqul, p. 359.