Imam’s signs

The Most Knowledgeable of the People

Abu Basir says: I visited Imam Kadhim (peace be upon him) and asked him, “May I be sacrificed for you, how can we recognize the Imam?” The Imam replied: By several qualities: The previous Imam (whose Imamate is established) introduces

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A Two-Way Relationship

Imam Sadiq (PBUH) was just martyred; however, due to the political situation at the time and fear over the life of the next Imam, he had introduced the Imam after him implicitly and indirectly. Therefore, there became a dispute among the Shiites

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Let’s not Judge too Quickly!

One of the blessings that Almighty God bestows upon His chosen ones among the people is the special abilities He grants them. This has always been considered a sign of people’s faith in the legitimacy of God’s representatives among them

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Looking for a Sign

Identifying the Caliph of God on Earth and seeking guidance from him during the various ups and downs of life is one of the most important principles of thought and practice in Shia Islam. Throughout history, this concern has always

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