“Surah Hidayat”

Undoubtedly, one of the most important features of the Imam is his high level of knowledge and wisdom. Imam must be the wisest people of his time; Because according to rational reasons, it is not right for people to gather around a person and choose him as their leader; While there is a person more knowledgeable and superior than him in all matters of religion and world.

Although scientific excellence is a very obvious characteristic of all the prophets and their guardians, it is more apparent in the life of the Prophet of Islam and her family (peace be upon her).

We do not know any of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) family members who have ever hesitated in answering a question or someone has weakened their argument with a stronger argument. Therefore, they have miraculously surpassed all people.

This feature is more obvious in Imam Hadi (peace be upon him). Because before they reached the age of puberty, they attained the position of Imamate and as if they were ahead of all the scholars and theologians of their age, and they always testified to their grace and excellence.

Various debates and protests have been narrated from Imam Hadi (peace be upon her) on various issues, and according to the evidence of history, no debater stood in front of her unless she acknowledged her scientific and knowledge excellence.

For example, they have quoted that:

“Caesar of Rome sent a letter to one of the caliphs of Bani Abbas and wrote in it:

We have seen in the Bible that whoever recites a surah that is empty of seven letters, God forbids his body to the fire of hell [note] 1- Undoubtedly, reciting one surah with all its virtues alone will not make a person enter heaven, but The requirement for attaining God’s mercy and pleasure is commitment to a set of conditions. For example, one of these acceptance conditions is “province”. Therefore, we have other frequent hadiths that even the condition of acceptance of monotheism is acceptance of Wilayat; As far as the effect of the verses of the Holy Quran. [/note] And those seven letters are the letters: “Th, J, Z, Sh, D, F”

No matter what we searched in the Torah, Psalms and Bible, we did not find a surah without any of these letters in it. Have you seen such a chapter in your book?

Caliph Abbasi gathered all the scholars and asked them questions. In that assembly, no one except Imam Hadi (peace be upon him) could answer the question.

Hazrat replied: “That surah is Surah Hamad, which does not have any of these letters in it.”

The answer of Imam Hadi (peace be upon him) was sent to the Caesar of Rome. When the answer reached him, he was very happy and converted to Islam there and died with Islam.

It has been said that the wisdom of not having these seven letters is that:

Tha, the beginning of the word “Thabor” (meaning destruction),

Jim, the beginning of the word “jahim” (meaning hell),

Kha, the beginning of the word “evil” (in the sense of arrogance and malice),

Za, the beginning of the word “zaqum” (meaning a bitter and fiery tree in hell),

Shin, the beginning of the word “shaqavat” (meaning misfortune and the end of evil),

Za, the beginning of the word “darkness” (meaning darkness and gloom).

Fa refers to the word “separation” or “affat” (a reference to the meaning of separation or distance).” [note] 3- Commentary of Shafiya Abi Faras, page 563, of course, about the attribution of this wisdom to Imam Hadi (peace be upon him). There is a difference of opinion.[/note]

(Taken from the book: “Biography and History of Imam Hadi (peace be upon her)”, authored by: “Dr. Ali Musa Al-Kaabi”)

Roshd site, the arrival of 15 Dhu al-Hijjah, the anniversary of her birth

The leader of the pious and the righteous successor of the imams and the authority of the servants[note] 4- “Allah, peace be upon Ali ibn Muhammad, the guardian of the guardians and the imam of piety, and the successor of the imams of ad-din and al-Hujjah upon all mankind” (Al-Mufatih al-Jannan; a phrase from the salutations on Imam Hadi (peace be upon him) )

The tenth Imam of the Shiites

Hazrat Imam Ali bin Muhammad al-Hadi (peace be upon her)

Congratulations to all Muslims, especially you dear friend.


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