Hussein (PBUH); The Conscious Martyr

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  5. Hussein (PBUH); The Conscious Martyr

In political revolutions, the leaders often resort to bribery, threats, gathering forces and weapons, and various inhuman actions to overcome their enemies. However, those who wish to act honorably in their revolution make the necessary preparations and strive to gather allies and supporters, and they never speak of their defeat or the possibility of the enemy’s victory. Therefore, such individuals never mention the possibility of a dangerous and terrifying future awaiting them, nor do they warn their forces of a painful and calamity-filled end, because doing so would scatter their troops. Hence, if the leader of a revolution does not resort to such tactics and interprets his revolution as an embrace of death and martyrdom, with a heart set on death, it becomes clear that his revolution is not merely political and for the acquisition of power. For this reason, those who are motivated by material gain and the possibility of reaching fame and status do not participate in such revolutions.

When we look at the pages of history, we find that history attests to the fact that Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) repeatedly spoke of his martyrdom and never mentioned the overthrow of Yazid, the conquest of Islamic lands, or the establishment of a government. Although he saw it as the duty of everyone to cooperate with him, to refuse allegiance to Yazid, and to rise up against him, he knew that such a widespread uprising would not take place and that he would have to rise alone with only a few companions and sacrifice himself. Therefore, he had already informed the people about his martyrdom.

Thus, in his uprising, Hussein (peace be upon him) did not seek worldly power, position, or the expansion of wealth, influence, or property. Instead, he refused allegiance to Yazid to obey God, migrated from the holy cities to obey God, and fought for the cause of God. Therefore, the sole reason for his rising was God’s command and the fulfillment of his religious duty.

For example, Ibn Abbas and Abdullah ibn Umar spoke with him regarding the situation that had arisen, hoping to dissuade Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) from his decision. When their conversation became long, and both acknowledged the correctness of Hussein’s (peace be upon him) words, he turned to Abdullah ibn Umar and said: “I swear to God, do you think that I am mistaken in my approach and the course I have taken? If you think otherwise, please express your opinion.”

Ibn Umar replied: “God is my witness, you are not in the wrong, and God would never guide the grandson of His Prophet to the wrong path. A person like you, in purity and closeness to the Messenger of God (peace be upon him), should not swear allegiance to someone like Yazid. But I am afraid that swords will fall upon your noble and beautiful self. So, return with us to Medina, and if you wish, never swear allegiance to Yazid.”

Hussein (peace be upon him) replied: “Never! (Meaning this wish is impossible) that I should return to Medina and live there in safety and peace. O son of Umar, these people, if they cannot reach me, will pursue me until they either force me to give allegiance unwillingly, or they will kill me. Do you not know that from the bitterness of this world, the head of Yahya ibn Zakariya was brought to the adulterers of the Children of Israel [1]…”

Then Abdullah ibn Umar requested to kiss the place where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) had kissed. He then wept and said: “I entrust you to God, for in this journey, you will be martyred [2].”

(From the book “A Glimpse of the Greatness of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him)”, authored by Ayatollah Safi Golpaygani, with slight modifications.)

Islamic – Shia Website: Roshd


[1] Maqtal Khawarazmi, pages 191 and 192

[2] Qamqam Zakhari, page 333