Great ambiguity in history

Name of God

Maybe you have thought to yourself, what was the funeral ceremony of the great and famous in the early days of Islam. Was it similar to our customs and culture today or did it have differences? Leor Halevi[note] Leor Halevi 1[/note], an American researcher, writes in his book on this subject:

“At that time, the prayer and burial of the dead was done in an orderly and coordinated manner and required a leader; it was a privilege and an honor to lead the funerals of famous men and women. Government figures, religious elders and members of prominent families. , were interested in leading this ceremony because they tended to attract large crowds of participants. When the number of participants in this ceremony was counted, at least forty people and in many cases more than a hundred people participated in the funeral prayer. and this matter can be taken from the narrations regarding the minimum number required to perform the funeral prayer.

A historian, from the crowd at Ibn Hanbal’s funeral[note] 2- Muslim jurist whose school of Hanbali jurisprudence, one of the four sects of the Sunnah, was established by his students after his death. [/note] In 855 AD, he is so affected that he estimates the present population to be more than six hundred thousand people. Naturally, wherever there was a large crowd, caliphs and rulers were interested in attending and participating in these programs. The second caliph, Umar, called and assembled the people to pray over the body of Maria Qobtiyah (died 637 AD), the wife of [the Prophet] Muhammad and the mother of his son, Ibrahim. Marwan, as the governor of Medina, himself prayed over Hafsa (died 665 AD), the daughter of the [second] caliph, Omar [and wife of the Prophet]”[note] 3- Halevi, L. (2011). Muhammad’s grave: death rites and the making of Islamic society. Columbia University Press, p. 168.[/note]

But how does history testify about the funeral, burial and burial place of Hazrat Fatima (peace be upon her), the only daughter of the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him and his family and peace be upon him)?

According to what has been written in many historical books, according to their own will, they were buried at night by their husband, Ali (peace be upon them), and then secretly and without the presence of the crowd, especially the heads of the government at the time, and in the place that was disputed. Muslims, they were buried.

Professor Verena Klemm[note] 4- Verena Klemm[/note], a German researcher, writes in this regard: “All the writers of the Middle Ages agree that the death of Fatima [(peace be upon her)] in the year 633 AD, but there is a difference of opinion among the books about how many weeks or months after the death of his father and at what age he died. Historians have expressed different opinions about these matters; After his death, who were present at his funeral, which was definitely at night, and where were they buried? [note] 5- Klemm, V. (2005). Image formation of an Islamic legend: Fàtima, the daughter of the prophet Muhammad, in Ideas, Images, and Methods of Portrayal, Editor: Sebastian Günther, pp. 184-185.[/note]

All these historical facts show the manner of death, funeral ceremony and burial of the only remaining child of the Messenger of God (peace be upon him), the wife of Ali (peace be upon him) and the mother of Hasnain and Zainbin (peace be upon him), a normal ceremony and similar to others. The customs of the society of the time and the famous figures of the Islamic world were not there at that time and it happened differently from the common culture of that time. But considering the importance of this great and distinguished personality of the Islamic world, for every inquisitive mind, the question arises, what is the reason for this great ambiguity in history? Why night burial? Why burial in an obscure place?

These are undeniable facts, which even today lead the mind to the events of the last days of the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) life and his protest against the deviation from the path and orders of the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him).

Rushd site, 3 Jumadi al-Thani, martyrdom year

The light of truth and the spirit of purity, part of the body of the Messenger of God,

Hazrat Fatima Zahra (peace be upon her),

Condolences to all the Muslims of the world, especially you dear friend.

Islamic site – Shia Rushd
