The published statistics indicate a decrease in the marriage rate and an increase in the number of unmarried individuals in society [1]. Several reasons can be considered for this phenomenon, such as a lack of awareness about the importance of marriage or an unwillingness to take on responsibilities. However, the more significant and primary factor might be the poor economic conditions and the inability of young people to afford the expenses of starting a family. The following story serves as an example of a responsible approach to addressing this issue:
Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) narrated: “One day, a man came to my father, Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (peace be upon him). My father asked him, ‘Are you married?’
The man replied, ‘No.’
My father said, ‘I would not love this world and all that is in it if I were to spend even one night without a spouse. Know that the greatness and virtue of marriage are such that two units of prayer by a married person are superior to an entire day and night of worship and fasting by an unmarried individual.’
After that, my father gave the man seven gold dinars and said, ‘Use this money to get married. Remember that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said, “Choose a spouse who is compatible with you, for this will help expand your sustenance.”’ [2]
The way Imam al-Baqir (peace be upon him) addressed this young man’s unmarried status is an excellent model for all of us, particularly for those responsible for facilitating youth marriages. First, the Imam raised awareness about the importance of marriage from a religious perspective. Then, through a responsible action and financial assistance, he helped the man take the step toward marriage.
[1] “Currently, there are eight million single men and five million single women in Iran, and the increasing number of women experiencing permanent singleness is a concerning trend.” (Khorasan Daily, dated August 2, 2020)
[2] Al-Kafi, Volume 5, Page 329