Connection between the Earth and the Divine Realm

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The human beings of the 21st century have made extraordinary advancements in industry and technology. But have any of these human achievements been able to replace the connection between humanity and the higher realm? Has the great path between Earth and the heavens been opened to humankind today, or has the relationship between Earth and the sky been severed for a long time? This is a question that, in the realm of thought, theists have different answers to. If you are also searching for an answer to this, then join us.

There are significant discussions regarding this topic. However, due to space limitations, this article will only explore the connection between Earth and the heavens in the contemporary era within its capacity. Therefore, the necessity of this connection and other related topics are accepted as assumptions, and their detailed arguments are left aside.

According to the Jews, with the death of Moses (peace be upon him) and the end of the line of the Israelite prophets, the connection between humanity and the higher realm was severed. Therefore, in their view, after the death of Moses (peace be upon him) and the great prophets of the Israelites, there was no more revelation, and no one in society is considered God’s representative on Earth.

In contrast, Christians believe that this grace continued until the time of Christ (peace be upon him). [Note: By Christians, we refer to Protestants, as Catholics consider Christ to be God.] They say that the connection between humanity and the higher realm continued after Moses (peace be upon him) and his successors through revelation. However, with the crucifixion of Christ and the end of the Christian apostles, this connection was severed.

Meanwhile, Muslims believe that this grace continued until the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). However, the Sunni perspective holds that this spiritual grace, which existed through prophecy and leadership, was cut off with the death of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Therefore, they believe that after the Prophet (peace be upon him), the connection between humanity and the higher realm was permanently severed.

Now the question arises: Is humanity worse than the past nations after the passing of the Seal of the Prophets (peace be upon him)? Is humanity today less perfect than those of the past? Certainly, the virtues that humanity now possesses and its increasing need for a connection with the heavens were never present in the Israelites, the people of Noah, or the people of Hud. So why did God give this grace to them but not to us?

Among those who have pondered this issue, some contemporary thinkers and philosophers [Note: such as Professor Henry Corbin] have found the answer to this important question in Shi’a logic and believe that only Shi’a offers a fitting response to it.

In the Shi’a view, there exists even now a perfect human being through whom the connection between Earth and the higher realm is maintained. Yes, prophethood has ended, so this connection today is not through prophethood, which involves new duties and a new religion. However, Shi’a believes that the connection between Earth and the heavens continues through Imamate. In Shi’a thought, the connection between Earth and the higher realm is maintained through a perfect human being, and divine grace reaches humanity through this perfect individual. In the contemporary era, Shi’a identifies this perfect human being as Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) and considers him to be God’s representative on Earth. He is the one whom Shi’as, when they mention him in the Du’a al-Nudbah, explicitly refer to as the mediator between Earth and the heavens.

A passage from Du’a al-Nudbah: “This is the connected cause between Earth and the sky.”

Yes, Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) is still the intermediary between Earth and the heavens, and Shi’as still believe that the grace of their Hidden Imam today is no less than in the time of his appearance. Even today, the impact of this connection between Earth and the heavens on hearts and his guidance to those thirsty for guidance is no less than it will be during his appearance.

This is the answer that Shi’a offers and presents it alongside the responses of other schools of thought for evaluation by the discerning minds. But in the meantime, have you and I found our lost path, and have we joined him on the great road between Earth and the heavens?

[Source: From the journal Entezar, issue 1, article The Theological Foundations of the Doctrine of Mahdism by Ayatollah Subhani (with some abbreviations and modifications)]

Islamic – Shia Website: Roshd