“I advise you to fear God, and not to desire the world even if the world comes to you. Do not regret anything that you do not obtain from it. Speak the truth and work for the reward of the Hereafter. Strive against the oppressor and support the oppressed.
I advise you, my children, my relatives, and anyone to whom my letter reaches, to fear God and to perfect your actions. Make peace with one another, for I heard from your grandfather (peace be upon him) who used to say: “Reconciling between people is better than years of prayer and fasting.” Fear God, fear God regarding the orphans. Do not let them go hungry or well-fed at your own discretion, and do not neglect them among you.Fear God, fear God regarding your neighbors, for your Prophet (peace be upon him) kept advising about them until we thought that they might be entitled to an inheritance. Fear God, fear God regarding the Qur’an. Do not let anyone surpass you in implementing its rulings. Fear God, fear God regarding prayer, for prayer is the pillar of your religion.Fear God, fear God regarding the House of your Lord. Do not leave it empty for as long as you live in this world. If you disregard its sanctity, you will face the punishment of God. Fear God, fear God regarding jihad in the way of God, with your wealth, your lives, and your tongues. You must be united and forgiving toward one another.Do not turn away from each other or break your bonds. Do not neglect commanding good and forbidding evil, for when the worst of you assume leadership, they will pray, but their prayers will not be accepted.I do not want to see the sons of Abdul Muttalib soaked in the blood of Muslims, with their hands stained, claiming that the Commander of the Faithful has been killed. Know that no one other than my killer should be responsible for my blood.”
(Nahj al-Balagha – Letter 47 – Translated by Dr. Seyyed Jafar Shahidi, pages 320 and 321)