Altruism, which is one of the noble human inclinations, must be nurtured and supported through proper education and guidance to be fully realized. If the day comes when all the people on earth embrace certain principles, despite their differences in beliefs, race, language, and other aspects, they will live together in peace and enjoy comfort and well-being.

In a narration, Imam Musa ibn Ja’far (peace be upon him) says: “The people of the entire earth are in mercy and ease, living good lives, as long as they possess three qualities: First, that they love each other and have human affection for one another. Second, that they do not betray each other’s financial trusts. Third, that their actions align with truth and justice”[1]. As we can see, the first quality that Imam Musa Kazim (peace be upon him) identifies as the foundation for the mercy and happiness of humanity is altruism and expressing love between people. If the members of a society rejoice together in happiness and feel sorrow together in times of grief, this expression of joy and sympathy fosters strong bonds and affection in that society, and everyone will benefit from that solidarity.

A clear example and practical model of this is the noble Prophet (peace be upon him). When Allah speaks of the praiseworthy qualities and human virtues of the Prophet in the Quran, He first mentions His deep love for the people, saying that the hardships and suffering of the people weigh heavily on the Prophet, and that he is deeply affected by their troubles[2].

It is admirable to follow the advice of Musa ibn Ja’far by emulating the prophetic model and to practice altruism, one of the qualities of the Islamic leaders, in our lives.

(Source: “Sharh wa Tafseer Du’a Makarim al-Akhlaq, Volume 1,” written by Muhammad Taqi Falsafi, with slight modifications and additions)

Islamic – Shia Website: Roshd

[1] (Mujam al-Waraam, Volume 1, p. 12)
[2] (Surah At-Tawbah, Verse 128)