Elegance In Methods

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Misconducts and mistakes may have many different excuses and reasons. For example, failure to practice proper hijab may arise from different matters, including not understanding the philosophy of hijab and its impact on corruption; or living in an area where its people are ignorant to the idea of hijab; or they may feel that lack of hijab is a way to advance and modernization; or they would like to differ and stand out from other people; or they may feel not performing hijab in a good way is a minor sin, and cannot hurt any other; and the reasons can go on. 

Those who want to prevent this issue of neglecting hijab, should first analyze the underlying problems, and find definite solution to each issue. So while “forbidding evil”  is the responsibility of each and every one of us, requires consideration of professional knowledge from its psychological, social, and artistic point of view. Therefore we are all responsible to refer to knowledgeable and caring specialists to teach us the correct manners of “Inviting good” and “forbidding evil”. Moreover the scholars and thinkers of the community should be among the inviters to good and forbidders of evil.

When at times we realize that the act of “forbidding evil” is not having an impact, we must not only blame those performing it. This act is similar to when one prescription for different illnesses cannot be effective in curing. Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran:

“… It is not righteousness that you enter the houses from the back but righteousness is to fear Allah and to enter houses through their proper doors…”(1)

One of the most important messages of this verse is that: there is particular path, time and leader for each task. When performing a task, one should consider the conditions and pick the solution accordingly. 

To clarify this point we can benefit from a narration from Imam Jawad (PBUH). He says: “The one who is unaware of the correct way and condition to start a task, will have a difficulty completing it…” (2) If we contemplate this saying of Imam Jawad (PBUH), we can see that this wise saying contains a fundamental and essential principle which can be applied to every aspect of our life. Considering this saying in economical, social and cultural activities can lead to very positive results. Therefore, understanding the correct way of “forbidding evil” is indeed one of the examples of this wise saying. Imam Jawad (PBUH) is trying to teach us, each act of “inviting to good” and “forbidding evil” has a very particular method of performance; if the correct method is not applied, it may only cause negative and unexpected results for the one receiving the advice. Further, it can cause difficulty for the one performing the advice as well.

Let’s pray and hope that our act and interaction may not become a cause of hate toward the religion of Allah (SWT) for others.

(The above is a selection from “Inviting to Good and Forbidding the Evil”, By Scholar Muhsin Qara’ati, whit minor changes)

Roshd Website congratulates all Muslims, especially you dear friend on the 10th of Rajab, the birth anniversary of the light and deputy of Allah (SWT) in the darkness of earth, the ninth Imam of Shiites, Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Jawad (PBUH).


1- The Holy Quran, (2:189)

2-‘Alaam al-Din, p. 309

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