A Support in One’s Life

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Mankind inherently cannot live without support. The way human is created is that everyone seeks a support to depend on. People are divided into four categories based on what they depend on in life. The first category and the lowest level of mankind are the people who depend on their wealth and properties and seek support from their wealth.

The second category has a higher rank than the first. These people do not depend on their wealth; rather they seek support from their ranks and positions. This is the source of support for the second category for whom there are many examples in the world.

The third category of people is more superior. They are those who are not after wealth and rank; they have also left the worldly ranks, positions, appointments, kingships and governance for the worldly people. They have reached a level of self-confidence. Such people depend on the power of their soul. This category is that of those who are known as great ones among mankind. These people seek to extract the hidden powers of the self and seek support from it. Such powers, if extracted, can be extraordinary. This is because if the human mind and will is trained correctly, its power reaches such a level that it can stop the greatest powers. Therefore these great ones among mankind look to gain support from the self, the power of mind and will.

The power of self is extremely strange. However, similar to other powers, it is still limited. The highest level of perfection, which is superior to all others, can be accomplished when the power of the self is connected to an unlimited power Whose rule is without any beginning and end and has encompassed all things. When mankind reaches such a level it has reached fruition.

In this respect, Imam Jawad (PBUH) eloquently discloses part of this truth. These words of the Imam are truly at the peak of elegance and eloquence. Imam has left us with a jewel, which reveals the secret of creation of mankind and its path to salvation and misery.

Muhammad Ibn Ali Ibn Musa al-Reza (PBUT), Imam Jawad (PBUH), has stated, “Trust in Allah, is the cost of every precious material, and the ladder to accomplish any high rank.” (1)

Truly the Imam has ignored all the people and the whole world with his statement. Those who seek support from their wealth are not even included. Those who depend on their rank and governance are not even addressed by the Imam.

The likes of Aristotle, Plato, and all other scholars of theoretical and practical science who place the power of the self and will as their basis of support come to ponder at this statement, “O mankind, your nature is to seek a precious jewel. The more precious the jewel, the more you value it. This is a secret about your nature. Another secret of your nature is that you are motivated and ambitious. This is a characteristic of human nature.”

Where do we find these two lost needs? Where should we seek for these two needs of human nature? Is it in depending on wealth? This was refuted. Is it found in support that comes from position? This was refuted as well. Is the answer trust in oneself? That is also refuted due to its limitations. It can only be found in the fourth source of support which is trust and depending on Allah.

(The above is a selection taken from the speech of Grand Ayatullah Wahid Khurasani, (with some changes))(2)

Roshd website offers its condolences on the last day of Dhi al-Qa’dah, the anniversary of the martyrdom of the shining sun of Wilayat and the luminous star of guidance, Imam Muhammad Ibn Ali al-Jawad (PBUH) to his lovers and specially you dear friend.


1. A’lam al-Din, p. 309.

2. This speech was made on the occasion of martyrdom of Imam Jawad (PBUH) on 1427 A.H.

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