A Great Blessing

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Many times in our lives, we have regretted what we do not have and we might have complained about it; however, have we ever thought about what we do have? In fact, some of the things we have are extremely greater and worthier than what we anxiously strive to achieve. But how do we treat them?

If we think more carefully, we realize that all the blessings of Allah (SWT) are not equal in terms of their value and importance; rather they have different values based on their impact on the true life of human. For example, some of the blessings of Allah (SWT) specify the path and way of life for us. Recognizing the guide and submitting to his teachings, which is referred to Wilayat in Islamic context, is one of the blessings that have a significant role in specifying the correct way of life for mankind. Indeed, which of the things we do or do not possess have a significant role in our destiny as knowing the true guide and obeying him? Do we really appreciate this blessing?

In this regards, Imam Hassan Askari (PBUH) has notified us of this issues in a letter he has written in response to a letter from Ishaq ibn Ishmael al-Nisaaburi. There, he addressed Ishaq ibn Ishmael by saying:

“… May Allah be your master in all your affairs. I received your letter. May Allah bless you with His mercy. We are, by the blessing of Allah, a family who are compassionate towards their friends, and are pleased with Allah’s continuous beneficence upon them…

O Ishaq! Rest assured that whoever is blind in this world will be blind in the Hereafter. O Ishaq! It is not the eyes of face that go blind; rather the eye of heart goes blind, as in a firm verse of His Book, Allah has said about an oppressor that he will say (on the Day of Judgment), “O my Lord! Why have you gathered me blind, while I had sight (before)?” And Allah will reply, “So (it must be). Our signs came to you but you neglected them; even thus shall you be forgotten this day (1)”.

After the forefathers of arguments of Allah, namely the prophets, and the fathers of the arguments of Allah, namely the successors –May Allah’s mercy be upon them all- which sign of Allah is greater than the Argument of Allah on mankind, His depository (of religion) on the Earth, and the witness of His servants’ deeds? (So failing to know the Imam of time, who is the greatest sign of Allah (SWT), causes blindness in the Hereafter)…

Allah has made some duties obligatory on you not because He needs you, but due to His mercy and kindness towards you… He has made Hajj, Umrah, prayer, paying alms, fasting, and Wilayat obligatory on you, and has made His arguments available to you as doors to the obligatory deeds and keys to findings His way… And when He indebted you to Himself by appointing the successors after the prophets, he revealed this verse, “This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as the (permanent) religion (2)”. And He has put some rights on your neck for His successors, and has ordered you to fulfill those rights… He has ordered His messenger to say, “Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives (3)”. And know that, “And whoever is niggardly (in fulfilling their rights), is niggardly against his own soul; and Allah is Self-sufficient and you are all in need (of Him) (4)” and there is no God but Allah…

Do not be negligent of Allah (and His religion) so that you become amongst the losers. May those who turn away from obeying Allah and do not accept the advices of His successors be away from His mercy. Allah has ordered you to “Obey Him, His messenger, and the “Ulul-Amr (those in authority) (5)”…” Allah will see your acts and (so will) His Messenger and the believers; and you shall soon be brought back to the Knower of the unseen and the seen; then He will inform you of what you did (6)”. And praise is only to Allah, and may His mercy be upon Muhammad and his household”.

So have we thanked Allah (SWT) for this great blessing as it deserves?

(Selection taken from “Tuhaf al-Uqul”, by Hassan ibn Shu’ba Harraani)

The Roshd Website offers condolences to all Muslims, especially you dear friend, upon 8th of Rabi al-Awwal, the anniversary of the martyrdom of master of the believers and the father of the hidden Imam, Imam Hassan ibn Ali al-Askari (PBUH).


1. The Holy Quran, (20:125-126)

2. The Holy Quran, (5:3)

3. The Holy Quran, (42:23)

4. The Holy Quran, (47:38)

5. The Holy Quran, (4:59)

6. The Holy Quran, (9:105)

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