The Common Ground of the Religions

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The world today is a world of differences and conflicts between the humans. Therefore, we should find the universal common grounds, and lessen the tensions by concentrating on them.

One of the most important things in common for many of humans is their religion. Today, most of the human populations are followers of Divine religions. Among the Divine religions, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are Ibrahimian religions, and the reflections of the high monotheistic position of Prophet Ibrahim/Abraham (PBUH) are easily detectable in the Holy Quran and even in Torah and Bible in many instances. Therefore we can acknowledge Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) as the father held in common, and the manifestation of the Divine religion, and the mean to understanding and agreement among followers of different religions.         

For example, the Holy Quran states about Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH),

“When his Lord tested Ibrahim by His words and he satisfied the test, He said, ‘I appointed you as the Imam (Leader) of mankind …” (1)

Also in Torah it is mentioned, “As for me, behold, my covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations.” (2), (3)

Furthermore, in the Bible addressing his people, Jesus Christ (PBUH) says, “…Your father, Ibrahim rejoiced to see my day…” (4)

Therefore if we, the followers of the Divine religions, can bring about understanding on the basis of the Divine religion introduced by Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) which is compliant with the nature of mankind, we would be able to reach consensus and peaceful coexistence among us.

As a practical example for establishing a common ground and peaceful coexistence, the Holy Quran says about Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH), “Verily, he was a man of truth, a Prophet.” (5)   By this illustration, we can acknowledge, as a point held in common religious basis, that we should all be honest and truthful.

But what had Ibrahim Khalil Allah (friend of God) done that made him achieve such a position in the history of humanity? Again, with reference to the divine Books and history, we realize that he had been put into several divine tests in his life, all of which he passed successfully. One of the great tests that Ibrahim Khalil al-Rahman could pass successfully, resulting in accomplishing the position of Imamate, was the beheading of his dear son Isma’il/Ishmael (PBUH). The birth and granting of Isma’il (PBUH) to his father, in old age, had been another divine test. In spite of his excessive affection to his son Isma’il (PBUH), Ibrahim (PBUH) did not hesitate a moment in obeying the divine command. But the divine destiny was set differently, and the knife did not cut Isma’il’s throat.         

Yes, from that occurrence, this day was announced by the creator as a festival for all. Eid al-Adha (the festival of sacrifice) is the festival of complete submission of the servant to his Lord, therefore it is not exclusively for us Muslims. Because we are all servants to Him, and He is the lord of us all, and Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) is, by His order, the father held in common for us all. Therefore the entire world should consider this day as Festival.

(Taken from the book, “The Endeavor of Ideas (Vol. 1)” by Late Allamah Muhammad Taghi Ja’fari (with summarization and addition))  

The Roshd Website congratulates all the followers of divine religions, especially you dear friend, upon the great Eid for owners of pure and aware consciences, Eid al-Adha.


1. The Holy Quran, (2:124)

2. This means Prophethood and Leadership.

3. Torah, the book of Genesis 17:4

4. Bible of John, 8:56

5. The Holy Quran, (19:41)

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