A Prostration on Soil, An Ascend Into the Heavens

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  5. A Prostration on Soil, An Ascend Into the Heavens

Ibn Abi al-Hadid1, one of the Sunni scholars, describes Imam Hossein (PBUH) as such: “the master and leader of the people who have not accepted indignity, the one who taught people magnanimity and choosing death under the shadows of the swords in preference to submission. Abi ‘Abdullah, Hossein bin Ali bin Abi-Taleb, the one whom was given a chance and to his comanions; but he turned away from humiliation of not being killed by Ibn Ziad, preferring death over humiliation…”2

Now the last moments of the teacher of spiritual freedom, dignity and submission to the humanity has arrived. Now, the Master of the Martyrs (PBUH) has no company. His companions are killed and everyone taking part in the battle from the “Bani Hashem” tribe is martyred. Now, with the eye of our hearts, and with depending on valid historical sources we go over the battle:

We should look at Imam Hossein (PBUH) and his situation and activities during the battle…

We must observe continuously; it is the time when the situation has gone dire…

I looked at Hossein (PBUH); he had mounted the horse. The army had surrendered him and had reached close.

I took another look. I did not see him on his horse; seemingly he has fallen over…

Do you know why his soil is regarded as the best soil? Because on this soil there has been a prostration that is unique among any other prostrations from the first beings until the resurrection. Hossein’s (PBUH) prostration on the hot soil was not on the forehead, but instead on the foreface…

Do you know when did that prostration happen? When -according to the narrator-: “the arrows and swords had injured his body, Saleh bin wahab al-Mazni hit a spear on his side. Then Hossein (PBUH) fell on his right side on the ground while saying “Bism Illah, wa billah, wa ala millate rasoul ollah…” (in the name of Allah, by [will of] Allah, and upon the nation of the Prophet of Allah).

I was looking further. But why suddenly the sky turned dark?

Oh, alas…

I saw something ascending in the sky, but it did not go far. It seemed that a head is on the spears. When I looked closer I saw that it was the head of Hossein bin Ali (PBUH) on the spear.

“You, the clamed spirit, return to your creator while you are pleased and He is pleased at you, so enter the group of my devotees, and enter my paradise.”3

We belong to Allah, and we will return to him.

(The above is a selection taken from “Fawaid al-Mashahid” and “Mawa’iz”, by Late Shaykh Ja’far Shooshtari (with some changes))

The Roshd Website offers condolences to all freemen of the world, especially you dear friend, upon Ashura, the anniversary of the martyrdom of master of martyrs and the leader of the freemen, Imam Hussain (PBUH), and his respected companions.


1. Izz al-Din Abu Hamed abd al-Hamid bin Hibat’Allah ibn Abi al-Hadid, known as Ibn Abi al-Hadid was an eminent theologian and history scholar of his era and a writer during the seventh century. His most prominent work is Sharh Nahjul Balagha (Commentary on Peak of Eloquence).

2. Sharh Nahjul Balagha Ibn Abi al-Hadid, vol. 3, pg. 249

3. The Holy Quran 89:27-30

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