I Have Put My Hope in You

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Having a firm and powerful support in difficulties and problems is a means for standing firm and not fearing the enemies. Tawakkul (reliance on God) is relying on the power of Allah (SWT) and His assistance and help. The Holy Quran orders the believers to rely only on God. Also, it is narrated in the Hadiths that whoever relies on a person other than Allah (SWT), he/she will be weakened and humiliated.

As Imam Hussain (PBUH) started his movement from Medina, he chose this way only with reliance on Allah (SWT). Even when he departed Mecca for Kufa to respond to the invitation of the people of Kufa, his reliance was on Allah (SWT), not the letters and invitations of the people of Kufa. This reliance on Allah (SWT) was evident both in the beginning of his movement in his will to Muhammad Hanafyiah and in the last moments of his life. His reliance on Allah (SWT) was continuous all the way; even during the difficulties and crises… Nevertheless, he had made all the necessary preparations and arrangements for his movement so that his reliance on Allah (SWT) was not separated from action and having provisions for reaching a goal. Indeed, this was the true meaning of Tawakkul.

As such, when Imam Hussain (PBUH) heard the news of disloyalty of the people of Kufa and martyrdom of Muslim ibn Aqil (his messenger to Kufa), he did not return and continued his way as his reliance was on Allah (SWT) in performing his duty. Moreover, when Zahhak ibn Abdullah Mashriqi informed Imam Hussain (PBUH) of the readiness of the people of Kufa to fight against him, he replied by saying, ”Allah is sufficient for me, and He is the best one in whom I trust. (1)”

He even did not rely on his companions. Therefore, he let whoever wanted to leave, leave. It was with this Tawakkul that no incident interfered with his intentions. In his will to Muhammad Hanafyiah as he was leaving Medina, after he mentioned his motivation and purpose for his movement, he stated that, ”and my success can only come from Allah; on Him I rely and unto Him I return (2)”. In a sermon he delivered on his way in which he addressed his companions and the army of Hurr, while condemning the people of Kufa for their perjury and deceitfulness, he stated, ”Allah (SWT) will make me suffice me from your help (3)”; he declared himself not in need of their assistance and made his reliance on Allah (SWT).

In the morning of Ashura, when the army of the enemies started attacking the camps of Imam Husain (PBUH), he expressed this reliance and trust in his Lord in all the difficulties and problems in a supplication in which he said, ”O Allah! Your are my reliance in all difficulties; You are my hope in all troubles, and You are my support and help in all occurrences (4)”. He referred to Allah (SWT) both as the source of reliance and assurance, and as the protective power and support. 

Furthermore, in other speeches he delivered to the army of Kufa, he expressed his reliance on Allah (SWT) by mentioning the verses from the Holy Quran which refer to the guardianship and assistance of Allah (SWT) towards the righteous people, ”Surely my guardian is Allah, Who revealed the Book, and He befriends the righteous (5)”. Also, in a sermon delivered on the day of Ashura, he made the statement, “Indeed I have relied upon Allah, Who is my Lord and yours (6)”, which is another example of this belief and mentality.

Imam Hussain (PBUH) had this outstanding morale even in the last moments of his life:

When he was tired, thirsty, and his face was excited of his enthusiasm for martyrdom, he stopped fighting to rest. An arrow sat on his chest and the blood of that kind and brave heart erupted. Then, he lost his power and fell down on the earth like a gem. In the last moments of his life, Imam Hussain (PBUH) talked about this reliance on Allah (SWT) in a meaningful supplication to his Lord, ”I ask for Your help in my weakness, and I rely upon You while I believe in You to be sufficient…(7)”

And so, this trustful and confident heart stopped working, so that it would force the hearts of mankind to work and move towards Allah (SWT).

(Selection taken from the book “The Messages of Ashura”, by Jawad Muhadethi)

The Roshd Website offers condolences to all the freemen of the world, especially your dear friend, upon Ashura, the martyrdom anniversary of the leader of the trustful and the freemen, Sayyid al-Shuhada, Imam Hussain (PBUH), and his loyal companions.


1. Mousu’ah Kalimaat al-Imam al-Hussain, p. 378

2. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 44, p. 330

3. Mousu’ah Kalimaat al-Imam al-Hussain, p. 361

4. Irshaad of Shaykh Mufid, vol. 2, p. 96

5. The Holy Quran, (7:196)

6. Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 45, p. 9

7. Iqbal al-A’maal, p. 690

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