“Love Means Hussain (PBUH)… “

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  5. “Love Means Hussain (PBUH)… “

… Witness the certainty in Hussain (PBUH) whose essence is derived from his heart’s separation and independence from this materialistic world. When he left Medina and reached Karbala, Imam Hussain (PBUH) wrote a letter addressing his brother, Muhammad al-Hanifeh and the rest of his family: “This is a statement from Hussain, son of Ali, to Muhammad, son of Ali, and to the rest of the Hashemite tribe who are with him. It seems that there has never been a world and the hereafter has always existed.”(1) Does such statement portray anything other than freeing one’s heart from this world, and turning oneself towards the hereafter?

Imam Sajjad (PBUH) has said: “As time was passing and the battle was becoming harder on Hussain, his face would brighten and his confidence would increase until some enemies would tell one another: ‘See how fearless Hussain is for his own death…'(2)

Witness Hussain’s (PBUH) recitation of Quran and prayer. The one reason he asked the enemies to postpone the start of battle by one day was to have an extra night of prayer and worship to Allah (SWT). In just that one night thirty soldiers from the opponent’s side were infatuated by the worship of Imam Hussain (PBUH), and were guided towards the army of Imam Hussain (PBUH). They too were eventually martyred.

Imam Hussain (PBUH) was continuously remembering Allah (SWT) and reciting Quran from the time he faced the enemies in the battle with a mouth dried of thirst, until the time his head was raised on a spear. On the morning of Ashura Imam Hussain (PBUH) prayed to Allah (SWT) in the following manner: “O Allah! You are my shelter in any distress, and my only hope at the time of misery. You are my only protection in any tragedy. I had many catastrophes in which hopes were lost, solutions were impossible, friends left me, and enemies taunted me. In such times I sought refuge in You, and You recovered all of these grief…” (3)

Witness the patience of Hussain (PBUH) at the time he has fallen on the burning soil of Karbala: his body torn to pieces by spears and swords; his forehead broken; his chest covered with arrows; an arrow beneath his throat, and other arrows in his side; his tongue unable to move from thirst; his heart broken from the death of his companions and family; his remaining family, unprotected in the wilderness. The sound of women and children screaming for help can be heard, followed by the laughter and torture of the enemies. Yet, Imam Hussain (PBUH) did not complain for all the agony. He continuously said: “My Lord, I am patient on Your destiny for me; none is to be worshiped but You; O Shelter of those who seek shelter.” (4)

This is why in Ziarat of Imam Hussain (PBUH) we read: “Truly the angles of the sky were impressed by your patience.” (5)

Peace be upon Hussain, the oppressed; Peace be upon Hussain, the martyr…

(Reference: Khasa’is al-Husainiah by Ayatullah Sheikh Ja’far Shooshtari)

On behalf of Roshd Website, we offer our condolences to all Muslims

 upon Ashura (10th of Muharram), the day in which the Martyrdom of the vast mercy of Allah (SWT) Imam Hussain (PBUH) and his loyal companions occurred.

Why do Muslims gather every year to mourn for Hussain (PBUH) and his companions?What can this event mean for the man living in the 21st century? What results would it have for modern-day life? The article entitled as “Ashura and Today” available on the website discusses these topics.


1- Kamel al-Ziaraat, Baab 24, Narration 16

2- Ma’ani al-Akhbar, p. 288

3- Irshad Sheikh Mufid, Vol. 2, p. 96

4- Yanabi’ al-Mawadat, Vol. 3, p. 82

5- Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 98, p. 322

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