The Saddle Overturned, the Sun Drowned in Blood

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  5. The Saddle Overturned, the Sun Drowned in Blood

“O my followers! Whenever you drink refreshing water, remember me! And, or whenever you hear about a martyr or a lonely person, weep for me! I am the grandson of the Prophet, whom they killed cruelly! And then they intentionally crushed me under the hoofs of their horses! I wish you were all present on the day of Ashura to see! How I asked them to quench the thirst of my infant, and how they refused (my request)!” (1)

What comes next is a selection from the famous Ziarat Nahiya, in which Imam Mahdi (May Allah Hasten his appearance) addresses his martyred grandfather – Imam Hussain (PBUH).

“You were for the Prophet (PBUH&HP) a son, for the Quran evidence, and for the Islamic community a powerful arm. You were steadfast in worshiping Allah, protector of the divine pledge and contract. You avoided the path of the corrupt, would give to the poor that had suffered hardships, and would perform long bendings and prostrations in prayer.

Then cruelty and oppression took over, evil acts and brutality became obvious, and ignorance and the false path began inviting its followers. Distancing yourself from the oppressors, you were living beside the holy shrine of your Grandfather (the city of Medina). Your residency had become the prayer area. You distanced yourself from the delights and desires of the world, and you put all your effort into forbidding evil with your heart and word. Thereafter your knowledge and insight made it necessary upon you to deny them openly. And it was made obligatory upon you to fight with the evildoers face to face. With your children, family, and followers you began (your journey). You unveiled truth and reason, and with good and wise words you invited (people) toward Allah. You invited them to have patience in the divine commands, and in obeying the commands of the one worshiped. You forbade them from evildoings.  However, they stood against you with enmity and cruelty.

So you fought them after you had reminded them of the truth. You had made sure they all were aware of the truth, but they broke their promise and allegiance with you. They became angry at your Lord and your Grandfather, and began war with you. You kept steadfast against the harsh words and sharp wounds, and you defeated the army. Once entering the cloud of dust and dirt of the war, you fought with such strength, that it was as if you were Ali al-Murtada.

Then as they found you to have an assured and courageous heart, they played deceitful acts upon you. They entered the war with you through the door of deceit.  That cursed man ordered his followers to make a barrier between you and the water before beginning the war. They rushed in the war with you and injured you with stones and arrows. They did everything to make you surrendered and they dishonored you. They performed all sins possible upon you: all from killing your companions, to raiding the tents and properties. But you maintained your patience and kept steadfast against the pains and injuries to such an extent that the angels were struck with surprise.

The enemies attacked you from all sides, and disabled you with the injuries and wounds. And they did not allow you to live until night, even though you had no more helpers left. You kept watch on your duties and were patient. You protected and defended the women and children until they (the enemies) threw you down from your horse. With an injured body you fell to the ground; the horses began galloping on your body and the enemies hit you with sharp swords.

Your forehead became wet of death’s perspiration, and you were pulled to the right and to the left (you were very disturbed). You looked at the camps (of the women and children) and while you were distracted away from them, your horse escaped towards the camps giving out loud cries. When the women of the family saw your horse with your overthrown saddle on it, they rushed out of the camps. They cried loudly and slapped their faces. Feeling lowliness after living with such honor, they began to rush towards the sight of your murder…..”

Dear Member, please accept our condolences upon the anniversary of the martyrdom of the master of martyrs, Imam Hussain (PBUH) and his loyal companions.

For this occasion we invite you to read the article entitled, “Ashura and Today”.  This article answers frequently asked questions regarding mourning on Imam Hussain, such as “why should we cry on the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (PBUH) after 1300 years”. To be automatically directed to this article, please click here.


1- These phrases are the translation of an Arabic poem which is said to be composed by Imam Hussain (PBUH).

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