3 Occasions, 3 Reactions

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During our lifetimes, we sometimes face occasions in which our hidden traits show up and represent themselves. Satisfaction, anger and power are among factors that shape these experiences, and one’s state, reflects the internal personality and the level it was built.

The one who lives in a state of satisfaction might be tempted to commit a sin due to the excess of elation and excitement. But if he has built his personality deep enough, he would recognize the line between obedience and sinfulness; such a person would not sin or tend to vice.

An angry person type sometimes uses bad and unjust language to others, but later regrets his words and actions. However, the one who has built his personality, would not lose their temper in the times of anger and would not speak or make decisions unjustly.

The man of power, as well, sometimes gets attracted to and dragged by power and authoritarianism, and turns unjust toward others, but if he had built his personality, he would regard power as a temporary examination and would not break the rules of justice.

The faithful who apprehends Allah (SWT) and the Day of Judgment and is aware of the outcome of sinful acts would neither tend to sin during the times of satisfaction nor speak unjust words during the times of anger, nor misuse one’s influence during the times of power and domination.

Imam Muhammad Baqir (PBUH), pointing to this subject, explains the behavior of the faithful during the states of satisfaction, anger or power:

 “The faithful is the one who does not tend to sinfulness and vice when he is satisfied; and when he is angry he would not turn away from the just word; and if power turns to him, would not turn to injustice and claiming what is not his right.”(1)

(The above is a selection taken from “40 Hadiths from Imam Baqir (PBUH)”, by Jawad Muhaddithi)

The Roshd Website congratulates all Muslims, especially you dear friend, upon 3rd of Safar, the birthday anniversary of the heir of the knowledge of the Prophets and the fifth Divine guardian,

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir (PBUH).


1. Wasa’il al-Shia, vol. 11, p. 149

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