فوریه 12, 2019


all four continents: Asia, Africa, Europe, and America. Islam however, is unique from all other religions in the sense of its speedy expansion throughout the world. La Martin ?a famous French poet- says: “If we take three aspects into consideration, none

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Mahdi (PBUH) in Shia

One of the common beliefs among all nations and religions is believing in a divine savior who is the cause of vast blessings and charity for human being. Of course, such savior differs from one nation to another; and it would be

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The Appointment of the Prophet

Introduction The appointment of Muhammad (PBUH&HP), the Prophet of Islam and his selection as the Messenger of Allah (SWT), can be considered the most significant event in the history of Islam. Descent of the Holy Quran began at this time. The word Bi’that means to

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